Hi all,

I am having some conceptual problems with the maven-bundle-plugin and the
way dependencies are handled.

I have successfully managed to use the maven-bundle-plugin to produce an
OSGI bundle from an Eclipse RCP application that we use. The nett result
is a single bundle that's 55MB in size, containing 3/4 of Eclipse unpacked
inside the bundle.

What I would like to achieve is to not include 3/4 of Eclipse into the
plugin bundle, but rather have Eclipse provide the bundles needed for me,
and I have been struggling to find documentation on how this is done.

There are two similar concepts here: bundles that depend on maven provided
artifacts, and bundles that depend on other bundles. The docs seem to
cover the first concept only.

Is there a HOWTO anywhere that describes how I might build a plugin using
maven-bundle-plugin, allowing maven to find all the dependencies needed to
compile, but to depend on external bundles, not internally unpacked jars?


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