Or what do you think of the following bundle reposiroty setup (ASCII art

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bundles]$ tree
|-- Bar
|-- Foo
|   |-- 0.4
|   `-- 0.5
|       |-- Foo-0.5.5.jar
|       |-- Foo-0.5.6.jar
|       |-- Foo-0.5.7.jar
|       `-- Foo.jar -> Foo-0.5.7.jar
|-- Baz
`-- repository.xml

Can I configure repository.xml with several entries with the same name
"Foo", but pointing at different update locations (0.5/Foo.jar,
0.4/Foo.jar, ...)?

Will this work if on machine A the bundle Foo is given a
Bundle-UpdateLocation with "0.5/Foo.jar" and machine B with
"0.4/Foo.jar"? If I update machine A, should this pick up Foo-0.5.7.jar,
and similarly, if I update machine B, should this pick up the latest
bundle from the 0.4 directory?

Best regards,


On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 17:16 +0200, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> David Lindelöf wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Is it possible for the Bundle Repository to manage several parallel
> > branches of the same bundle?
> >
> > E.g., say I have deployed bundle Foo (1.2.3) on machine A and bundle Foo
> > (4.5.6) on machine B. Assume bundle versions are compatible only if
> > major and minor versions are the same.
> >
> > I would like to manage a bundle repository such that when Foo (4.5.7) is
> > released, machine B gets updated but not machine A. Is this possible?
> >   
> This is out of OBR's scope. You need a management agent to handle such 
> issues. In the simplest scenario, the management agent can be you. On 
> machine B you can type "obr deploy Foo" and it will update it to the 
> latest version, but on machine A you don't tell it to do anything...
David Lindelöf
Product Developer
Adhoco AG
Jagerstrasse 2
8406 Winterhur
tel +41-52-203.2903
mob +41-79-415.6641
fax +41-52-203.2904
url http://www.adhoco.com
weblog http://visnet.ch/~lindelof/smartbuildings/

Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty.
                -- Plato

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