well this is weird, I have done some transforming of code that I thought
was "transparent" but now:

[lookup_name_with_sig] Can't find apl of (int -> int) * int
In build/release-optimized/tut/embedding/bind-1.11-0.flx: line 7, cols 8 to 10
7: print$ apl$ the fff,22; endl;

The problem seems to be here:

cfun fff(x:int)=>x + 1;
fun apl(g:int-->int,x:int)=> g x;
print$ apl$ the fff,22; endl;

fff is a cfun, it should have type int-->int not int->int.

Same bug here:

 + build/release-optimized/bin/flx 
-Ibuild/release-optimized/test/sqlite --test=build/release-optimized -c 
[bind_exe: init] LHS[cb<10083>]:
address * int * ptr[ptr[char]] * ptr[ptr[char]] --> int
 of initialisation must have same type as RHS:
address * int * ptr[ptr[char]] * ptr[ptr[char]] -> int
unfolded LHS = address * int * ptr[ptr[char]] * ptr[ptr[char]] --> int
In build/release-optimized/test/sqlite/sqlite-1-0.flx: line 36, cols 5 to 46
35:     println p;
36:     val cb : sqlite3_exec_callback_t = the eh;
37:     res := sqlite3_exec(db,p,cb,usr,&errm);

What's now not shared .. the ticache.

john skaller

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