Some day I have to document the huge range of things Felix can do ..

  | BEXPR_coerce ((srcx,srct) as srce,dstt) -> 
    let coerce_variant () =
      let vts =
        match dstt with
        | BTYP_variant ls -> ls
        | _ -> syserr sr "Coerce non-variant"
      begin match srcx with
      | BEXPR_variant (s,argt) ->
        print_endline "Coerce known variant!";
        ge' (bexpr_variant t (s,argt))
      | _ ->
        let i =
          begin try
            Hashtbl.find syms.variant_map (srct,dstt)
          with Not_found ->
            let i = fresh_bid syms.counter in
            Hashtbl.add syms.variant_map (srct,dstt) i;
        ce_atom ("::flx::rtl::_uctor_(vmap_" ^ cid_of_bid i ^ "," ^ ge srce ^ 
    begin match dstt with
    | BTYP_variant _ -> coerce_variant ()
    | _ -> ce_atom ("reinterpret<"^tn dstt^","^tn srct^">("^ge srce^")")

I have to fix this to make some tests pass... what is this? I see the 
there .. I didn't know what that was for .. lol .. now I do.

What this code does is support *subtyping* of "variant kind" variants,
these are the equivalent of records: anonymous types with named constructors.
[Heck, I don't even have a name for these things]

A variant V with constructors A, B, C only, can safely be passed to a function
handling any super-set of these constructors, eg W=X Y A B C Q, that is,
V is a subtype of W.

As usual, this isn't automatic, you have to use an explicit coercion.
The variant_map "remaps" the indicies of V to those of W.

So that's what it's for .. :)

john skaller

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