On 17/02/2011, at 2:21 PM, john skaller wrote:

> OMG .. not believing it ...

Actually it is not so simple:

  | graminit top_statements ENDMARKER { 

That graminit non-terminal automatically grabs the grammar out of local 
data and rebuilds the automaton .. :)

It does this on EVERY parse (because it is the head of compilation unit .. :)

This is basically how the grammar extensions are currently propagated from
the auto-imports. Note, it does this for every grammar file as well!

So when you build a felix program, which includes say 10 files,
and the grammar is say 8 files, you have 88 builds of the automaton
happening (excluding any auto-imports).

This is why binding the library takes SOOOO long (because then
you have 30 library files which are all processed the same way,
so thats 30 x 88 automaton builds .. :)

john skaller

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