I am playing around with Felix to make "polymorphic variables" work.

In the simplest form you can do this:

var x[T]: int = 1;
println$ x[double]; // prints 1

i.e. you can index variables. And you can do this:

var x[T]:T;


println$ x[int], x[double];

Note you cannot do this:

var x[T]:T;

var y[T]:T = x[T]; // NO!

You get:

~/felix>flx xy
Client Error binding expression x[T]
[lookup_name_in_env]: Name 'T' not found in environment (depth 2)
In ./xy.flx: line 5, cols 16 to 16
5: var y[T]:T = x[T];

Of course, the compiler is right, to make this work, you'd have to assign
y[int], y[double] when you assigned x .. and that's the job of a function.

Ok .. so .. such polymorphic variables aren't really much use. But consider:

typeclass X[T] {
  const zzero:T = "(?1)1";
  virtual const zzz:T;

instance[T] X[T] {
  val zzz = 42;

open[T] X[T];

println$ "Zero[int]=" + str zzz[int];

This currently fails. Polymorphic "const" works fine, because evaluation
of the RHS C expression is delayed until the point of use.

However currently Felix can't handle instantiation of the virtual const.
This would be nice:

typeclass FloatAddgrp[t] {
  inherit Eq[t];
  virtual fun zero: unit -> t;
  virtual fun add: t * t -> t;
  virtual fun neg: t -> t;
  virtual fun sub(x:t,y:t):t => add (x,neg y);
  virtual proc pluseq (px:&t,y:t) { px <- *px + y; }
  virtual proc minuseq (px:&t,y:t) { px <- *px - y; }

  reduce id (x:t): x+zero() => x;
  reduce id (x:t): zero()+x => x;
  reduce inv(x:t): x-x => zero();
  reduce inv(x:t): - (-x) => x;
  axiom sym (x:t,y:t): x+y == y+x;

Writing "zero()" instead of just zero here is a pain. In an instance:

instance FloatAddgrp[int] {
fun zero()=>0;

you have to define a function. To use it you have to write

println$ 1 + zero();

or if you opened over a variable T

println$ 1 + zero[int]();

It would be nice to get rid of the () somehow. [AFAIK Haskell can do this]

One trick to get around this might be to just define:

        #f means f()

so you could write


The advantage of this trick is that it is just syntactic sugar.
[Actually we could use


since functions aren't pointers, though this might get confusing
with C functions hanging around .. ]

Anyhow .. typeclasses (are supposed) to allow binding a virtual const
to a const or val. 

john skaller

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