Please note change in syntax: you cannot say for var k in .. now, "var" isn't 
Note the control variable is invisible outside the loop. This is a worry .. it 
the body is in a function. Simple examples work though.  So here's the current 

1. Iterators work for all arrays and lists:

for k in list(1,2,7) do println$ "l elt=" + str k; done
for k in 1,2,3 do println$ "a elt=" + str k; done
for k in varray(1,6,3) do println$ "v elt=" + str k; done
for k in darray(1,82,3) do println$ "d elt=" + str k; done;

2. You can do a yield inside an iteration body:

gen silly () = { for k in (1,2,3) do yield k; done return 99; } 
var ff = silly;
println$ #ff; println$ #ff; println$ #ff; println$ #ff; println$ #ff;

Note, I am not sure if this always works! Normally you cannot yield
or return inside a nested function, even one which is implicitly generated
and that *includes* the handler of a match case and therefore the body
of an iterator loop (because it matches Some/None). In principle the handler
of a statement match is a procedure, I'm not sure if it's luck it got inlined,
allowing the yield, or the compiler forces the code into line (note: the control
variable k is hidden suggesting inlining, rather than desugaring, is handling
this). Note that generator implicit procedures like this are ALWAYS marked
for inlining, and they should be even if they're scoped inside a function
they call recursively (Felix inlines children which recurse to their parents 
the parent).  

3. So  .. this needs to be double checked because it is used to do this:

gen stream () = { for k in (1,2,3) do yield Some$ k+40; done return None[int]; }
var ll = comprehension stream;
println ll;

Here "comprehension" is a list comprehension. It looks fairly useless
until you see it inline:

var zz = comprehension { for k in (9,2,3) do yield Some$ k+40; done return 
None[int]; };
println zz;

It's not far to go to define this:

ctor[T] list[T](f: (1->opt[T])) => comprehension f;

var kk = list { for k in (11,7,3) do yield Some$ k+40; done return None[int]; };
println$ kk;

and we can do that without any further syntax extensions. They're a nightmare,
it took 6 hours to get 20 lines of Scheme right :)

BTW: I have no idea about performance but I guess this style of code is likely
to be SLOW because it uses closures in a way that can't really be inlined.

It's pretty obvious we can now do:

for k in subrange (0,20) do ..

so we no longer need "for .. upto .." loops (although that's how I'd
implement subrange .. it can be done with gotos if necessary :)


One of THE important things about comprehensions in Haskell is that they're 

The list comprehension I gave above is not. In fac t you should note that
an iterator is already lazy and the whole point of the comprehension
is to wake it up .. the generator is **already** a lazy thing. In fact it is 
polyadic .. it isn't a lazy list, it's much better than that, its a lazy array 


As is known from C++, iterators have some nice properties, one of the
cutest is the fact you can plug them together in series. I won't demonstrate,
it's obviously just "yield f x; " i.e. fiddled around function composition.
Obviously you can compose iterators in parallel too.

in fact, you can basically do anything with them you can with functions ..
since they are basically "control inverted" functions.

john skaller

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