I was then panic-king because I got this:

Match Failure
Felix location: /usr/local/lib/felix/felix-1.1.7dev/lib/std/regdef.flx 
C++ location  : 
/Users/johnskaller/.felix/cache/text/Users/johnskaller/felix/./bug.cpp 157

using regdefs for the libcontents system, instead of straight Perl strings 
(using RE2).
The bug was in the "render" function which just converts the regexp AST to a 
Perl string.

That function is pretty simple functional code and shouldn't fail (although I 
did get an
assertion error and discovered it can't handle zero length strings -- this was 
by a pre-condition).

It looked like the complex variant encoding was failing. But there are working 
cases. My bug code was like this:

open Regdef;
regdef anychar = perl (".");

regdef letter = charset "abc";

regdef vlist =  "[" spaces letter (spaces "," spaces letter)* spaces "]";
regdef binder = "ctor" (spaces vlist)?;

regdef indent2 = "  ";
regdef spaces = " "*;

regdef classbind= group ("class" | "open class");
regdef otherbind= indent2 group (spaces binder);

// Group 1 = class
// Group 2 = other 
// group 3 = identifier
regdef decl = (classbind | otherbind) spaces group (letter) anychar*;

var lregex = decl . render;
println$ lregex;

Now, the thing is, the Felix compiler has got pretty reliable these days.
It may have bugs, but the test suite would pick up this kind of thing.
So I fiddled with it  ...

There's a bug in the compiler alright. But not something complex.
Can you see it?

[Hint: don't look for something complex! Its something brain dead ! ]

john skaller

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