Ok, so we have met the classification of arrays, and we have
met the unsafe carray.

It is time to meet a safe ArrayObject!
You will find varray in lib/std/varray.flx.

It is a variable length array, with a fixed bound on the

A varray is just a pointer, like a carray. This means when
you pass one around you're passing a reference.
If one procedure modifies the array, everyone shares the modification.

However a varray has two important properties not possessed by carrays.
The first is that bounds checking is done, so use is safe. 
You can find the bound with the "maxlen" method. you can make an empty
varray like this:

        var a = varray[int](20); // bound 20 elements

and append elements with

        a += 1; a += 2;

or with

        push_back (a, 3);

[BUG: you cannot do  a . push_back 3, I think this wold
be better, it is easy enough to implement by:

        proc push_back (a: varray[T]) ( v:T) => push_back (a, v);

a nice one liner. Since varray is a definite type, this shouldn't
lead to an ambiguity (famous last words ..)]

You can also pop values off the end of the array:

        println$ a. pop();

You can also make a varray from an array:

        var x = varray (1,2,3,4);

[This is a bit risky, because varray (10,20) is an varray of 
10 elements initially set to 20, not an array of two integers!
That's a BUG IMHO]

There are some other varray constructors. Look in the library!
Subject to change (in particular to get rid of ambiguities!)

Now the second IMPORTANT property of varrays.

They're properly garbage collected. Ordinary carrays are NOT.
The collector cannot collect values in a general carray
allocated with malloc, because it doesn't know the length.
With varrays, it does.

Varrays are built into the run time system. They're very special.
A varray is just an ordinary pointer, together with a separate
mapping between the pointer and the length. The length
is NOT stored in the varray (unlke C++ vector).

This means a varray can be cast to a Carray and used in any
C code  that needs a C array thing, that is, a pointer.

Varrays have a safety property apart from the fact that index
bounds are fully checked: the underlying array cannot move.
It cannot be invalidated provided the varray or any element
thereof is reachable (and you don't do something stupid like
write C code that deletes one!).

A pointer into a varray may point to an uninitialised
value or a previously used value no longer in use
(and not tracked by the GC). But it cannot point 
to non-memory 

NOTE: this isn't implemented yet. Basically we require a 
a subarray operation. Its safe to have a varray which is
a subarray of another. Note that converting to an STL
iterator (raw C pointer) is NOT safe.

varray is primarily useful as a buffer, for implementing darray,
or for obtaining writable version of an array which is passed
by reference. Because of the bound constraint, it is not
useful for a generally dynamic length array.

We need darray for that!  Now go and read the library code!
A darray is a pointer to a varray. When the varray gets filled up
a new bigger one is made. So darray is unbounded, but it
loses the nice property that iterators into the array cannot
be invalidated.

Finally, we have sarray and bsarray.

Sarray isn't really an array. Its a sparse array which has a few
specified values, and the rest are defaulted. Typically a sparse
array is used with type double and default 0.0 for applications
such as distributions. A bsarray is just an sarray with a specified
bound. The bound is necessary to allow iteration, which covers
all the indexes (including ones that are defaulted!)

sarray is highly efficient, probably the most efficient implementation
possible. It uses a Judy array (which is a cache-optimised digital tree)
to map the array index from user index space to a darray. New indexes
get put on the end of the darray.  If any element is set to the default
it frees up a slot in the darray for the next new index. A freelist
is kept. The darray also expands in an efficient manner, copying
the mapping index occasionally when it runs out of reserved
space (SLOW!). sarray also supports a pack operation which removes
all the unused slots in the map and sorts the indicies.

Once packed, sequential visitation of all values and also all non-default
values is extremely fast, as it avoids the need to lookup the user index
to internal index map, and because it *sequences* through the
storage serially, allowing cache-prefetching. The pack operation
itself is reasonably efficient (it's basically like a copying collector).

NOTE: sarray is a general sparse array. It performs the same
for totally scattered indices as sets of compact ranges.
There are faster implementations if you know you're using
a set of compact subranges (clustered or clumped data).

Felix doesn't provide such an array yet. 
However the garbage collector actually uses one!!
Indeed, it can pick whether an arbitrary machine word
is a pointer into allocated store. Here, a memory object
is a "clump" of contiguous allocated addresses.

john skaller

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