On 08/12/2012, at 9:41 AM, srean wrote:

> Thanks John for taking the time to explain this.
>  I havent looked at them yet, will go over them on the weekend. But what 
> tripped me up when trying to read the source was all those  "_GC@^&" and 
> other such cryptic stuff.

Don't try to read that kind of stuff yet:-)

That's extremely technical magic which is typically highly
implementation dependent.

Roughly speaking: Felix uses an exact garbage collector.
For every collectable type there is an RTTI object of type shape_t
which describes the shape of the object. In particular it tells
the size of the object, a string name of the object, how to finalise 
the object (usually the C++ destructor) and provides
an array of offsets into the object where pointers are stored

This offset array is used by the collector to trace pointers.
You can find generated shape code in 


for any compilation. 

For every Felix allocated object, the pointer to the storage P
is associated with a shape object (RTTI). This is done with
a separate data structure so as not to interfere with the layout
of the object (unlike C++ RTTI which is embedded in the 
vtable, and the vtable pointer is embedded in the object).

When you do an allocation you have to call like this in C++:

        new (gc, shape, mobility_flag) T (args)

here gc is the garbage collector, shape is the shape associated
with the type T, mobility_flag is a currently unused flag which tells
if the object can be moved by a compactor, and T is the usual
type name and args the constructor arguments.

So when you're making an object type in Felix, such as Google RE2,
and a few other things, which are uncopyable, and represented by
pointers to heap allocated objects, you see bindings like:

  private type RE2_ = "::re2::RE2";
  _gc_pointer _gc_type RE2_ type RE2 = "::re2::RE2*";
  gen _ctor_RE2 : string -> RE2 = "new (*PTF gcp, @0, false) RE2($1)";

which basically says  that type RE2 in Felix is a pointer to RE2 in C++,
it is a GC trackable pointer (Felix needs to know that) and you make
one by using shape @0 which is the shape of the constructor type.

This is guru level magic. The bit you need to understand in the above is that

        gen _ctor_RE2: string -> RE2

means that you write this:

        RE2 "(ab)*abb"

and you have a compiled regexp with Perl notation. A bit magical but


just means the same as

        ctor RE2

which just means "a constructor for type RE2" (although technically its a 
operator not a type constructor). I had to use _ctor_RE2 here because I also 
to tell the compiler its a generator not  a function. Normally you'd write

        ctor RE2

but that is literally the same as _ctor_RE2 which is a special hack name
for a constructor :) If you use a TYPENAME as a function, Felix looks for
the function named:


Yet another piece of sugar :) A good example of this:

        type complex = "complex";
        typedef cartesian = complex;
        typedef polar = complex;

        ctor cartesian : double * double = "complex($1, $2)";
        ctor polar : double * double = "complex ($1 * cos ($2), $1 * sin ($2))";

So now you can write:

        polar ( 0.5, 0.3 * M_PI)

for polar coords. Polar and cartesian and complex are all the same type.
But now you have "named constructors" so you can get over C++ constructor
overload hell.

> So I need to know much more about Felix to be able to make sense of whats 
> going on. I do not know type classes, so these two mails of your will help.

Type classes are based on Haskell type classes.

A type class is just a collection of templates.

A virtual function is a template declaration or definition.
An ordinary function in a class is just a template definition.

An instance of a type class provides a body for a template function
declaration for particular type or types, in other words its just
a (partial) specialisation.

That's it. Its just template specialisations.

There is one MAJOR difference between polymorphism in Felix 
and in C++ .. so listen up!!

Felix does not allow unrestrained dependent name lookup.
In other words this does NOT work:

        fun bad [T] ( a: T, b: T) => a + b;

If you try that you WILL get a type error.
You cannot add arbitrary types together!

Almost all C++ is based on dependent name lookup,
and it is VERY BAD. It destroys parametric polymorphism,
and it means templates are basically just macros because the
semantics depends on what is in scope at the point of use.
This is EVIL!

Instead, Felix makes you write this:

class Addable[T] {
        virtual fun addem : T * T -> T;

fun bad[T with Addable[T] ] (a :T, b:T) => addem (a,b);

That type checks, but as written fails at instantiation time
if you write:

        bad (1,2);

To fix this you have to write:

instance Addable[int] {
        fun addem (x:int, y:int) => x + y;

to provide a specialisation of the addem template for int. 

When you write the function bad and say 

        with Addable[T]

that has the effect of injecting 

        fun addem: T * T -> T

into the scope of the function body so that the lookup on addem
now works.  The function no longer parametrically polymorphic:
it is polymorphic SUBJECT TO A CONSTRAINT that the type
must be Addable.

In C++ they want this too, its called Concepts.

Note that now, we have "well founded dependent name lookup".
The name addem does depend on the type. But the interface clearly
specifies the dependence.

john skaller

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