On 13 Feb 05, at 14:06, Nina wrote:

> I guess there's still a problem on my end.  I've only gotten 7
> messages today.  Thanks for the archive link. Nina

I'm thinking that the problem here might be that some ISPs (Verizon 
in your case) have spam filters built into their systems. Sometimes, 
mail from mailing lists such as ours are mistaken as spam. So, the 
messages don't reach everyone as they should. AOL is notorious for 
this. If this is the case, there is nothing I can do about it :(  For 
those who are not receiving all of our group's messages, please try 
contacting your ISP to see if they have any suggestions for remedying 
this. Also, because of the nature of how the internet works, some 
messages will arrive out of order and/or much later than when others 
receive them. Sorry I can't be of further assistance than this. Take 
care, and best wishes to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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