Healing vibes continue!
=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 3:27 PM
Subject: RE: Ginger's Miracle

Thank you, Nina and everyone else who responded to my cry of help regarding Ginger not eating for a week and for all your healing vibes you sent to my little Ginger.  I am so grateful and cannot find right words to express my gratitude.


When I got home on Friday, I went to visit Ginger right away (she is in a separate room from all other cats) –

All of her food on the plates (a couple of them) that I had left that morning was completely “licked” clean!!  I couldn’t believe my eyes. Ever since, she is doing just fabulous.  She almost acts like a completely different kitty!  Her appetite is so excellent – better than ever – she probably eats more than any of my other adult kitties – everything I put out –she completely finishes it.  Thank god!


I am not sure what to attribute for the changes – the only things I can think of – homeopathic remedy which was suggested by my holistic vet, Pustilla, based on Ginger’s personality, and a shot of v-B complex, and lots of prayers and healing vibes from all of you!  She is such a fighter – she is doing better and better every day – I can tell she has already put some more weight just from the past couple of days.


I hope that she continues to eat well and pray well – she is just so previous and sweet to me – when I visit and hold her – she looks at me into my eyes and almost knows exactly what I am thinking – she is my previous little miracle. I am schedule to take her in this afternoon for check-up – I am almost not want to do so because it will stress her and don’t want anything to change to backwards.


By the way, I had a phone consultation with Dr. Basko in Hawaii (his name was mentioned in the book of Dr. Martine Goldstein) and discussed about Ginger’s situation.  And here are some of the things that he suggested that I give to Ginger.  I would like to share with you in case anyone else find it helpful for their kitties.  He is a holistic vet and not everyone may feel that it’s a right thing for your FeLV+ kitties – but in case you feel that it is, here you go.


He suggested that I give Ginger additionally –

Reishi mushroom

Maitake mushroom


B-12 and Folic acid  


Just so that you know, I have been already giving Ginger the following:

Transfer Factor plus (human kind)

Aloe Vera juice

Mega C plus


CoQ 10 enzyme




He also had a very similar receipt of Liver shake as well –


When I first tried to give the shake to Ginger, she did not eat –so I gave it to her in a syringe – then last night, she drank it form the remaining in the bowl herself!  She is just a good girl!


Again thank you so much for all your kind words – I was so alone and needed to talk to someone – and you guys have been so wonderful to me and Ginger – please continue to send her healing vibes for Ginger and prayers as she can use all she can get!


Thank you!!

Hideyo & Ginger




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