Thank you for writing to me.

I am certainly responsible in a way that I requested that I picked up
Suzi (and all the other kitties I have spayed/neutered I the past)as
soon as the surgery was done in stead of them waiting at the clinic for
the rest of the day - this was suggested by Dr. Addie who research FIP
intensively to avoid any additional stress for corona virus positive
cats - 
We do have a clinic in my town as you described below - but since they
are my own cats, I take them to my vet - the main reason why I did not
want to use the clinic was due to the type of anesthesia they use - they
use kedamin(?) and I almost lost one of the tom cats I trapped a couple
of years ago due to the reaction - so ever since them, I have been
taking them to my own vet since they use gas anesthesia - out of 9
litter kitties, Suzi was the very last one to go through the surgery (I
did over the course of several months) - so I probably did not pay good
enough attention, I was not too worried as the first 8 went well with no
problem. - I used to bring them the first thing in the morning, and my
vet would do surgery on them right away without them waiting so that
their stress is minimal, and as soon as they are awake and they seem ok,
then she would let me take them home, which worked out well for everyone
else.  Except that I took Suzi and Yoshi that day, and I decided to take
Yoshi home first after her surgery was done first and then I was going
to come back before Suzi's surgery was over to pick Suzi up - and I was
late, and was not there when she woke up and when she needed me most.
Since the vet thought that I was on the way, they put her in a carrier.
Sure,  they should have paid attention to Suzi until I got there - but
it was definitely my fault, too.  I think something different happened
during the surgeries, as Yoshi also ran fever (106) that afternoon, too.
The doctor said that suzi's throat was all swollen, and Yoshi's tongue
was swollen, too.  But, if I was there 10 min. earlier, Suzi was alive,
and I would have know something was wrong right away!

Anyway, I think that I will always live with the pain regardless - but
more than anything else - I just simply miss her, I would do anything if
I could spend another day, another hour, or another minute with her - 


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: For Hideyo -- Your loss of Suzi

Dear Hideyo:

I can't really add anything to what Nina said and said so well.

I am a bit surprised, however, to hear that the vet sent her home with
you so 
soon after the surgery.  Didn't you say she had only been awake for

I volunteer with an organization that does Spay/Neuter events for ferals

once/month.  The vets donate their time and we do them on a Sunday when
surgival facilities are not being used.  The object is to do as many
ferals as 
possible in the one day, but also to do it SAFELY, for the sake of the
cats.  We 
have teams of volunteers that work in concert with the vets/vet techs to
the anesthesia, surgical prep, surgery (by vets only, of course), post
care and recovery.  We normally do between 30-50 cats in a day and do
not release 
any cats until they are well awake and have been observed for an
period of time and we are pretty sure all is well.  While it may seem
that this 
sort of assembly line approach may not be the best, we haven't (knock on
lost one yet in several years.  After surgery, we monitor the cats very 
closely with regard to their pulse/respiration and keep them warm and
quiet.  Most, 
typically, are held for at least an hour or two after their surgery,
those who are done earlier in the day it is longer.

So, I guess I would question whether or not the vet who did Suzi's
had done everything that he/she should have to make sure Suzi was coming
out of 
the anesthesia OK and that there had been no complications.  Any kind of

surgery is stressful for even a domesticated cat, and for ferals there
is an added 
stress factor due to their being unaccustomed to handling.

Whatever went wrong that caused Suzi to fail and not recover from the 
surgery, it was certainly not due to any fault or negligence on your
part.  You were 
trying the best you knew how to give her a better chance in life.  
Spaying/neutering is one of those things that needs to be done to cut
down on the 
indiscriminate breeding behavior that is the main vector for the
transmission of 
diseases like FIV, FeLV, etc. in feral populations.  If more
bureaucracies would realize this is the single most important thing that
can be done 
with limited resources to help put an end to unnecessary suffering and
overpopulation both in domesticated and feral populations (instead of
funds into testing and euthanasia for ferals), it would make a big

I know that regardless of anything that I or Nina or anyone else says,
will always feel badly about losing Suzi and wish you had not taken her
to be 
spayed that day.  I, too, would feel badly.  Keep in mind that hindsight
always sharper and we are not given a crystal ball to see into the
future when 
decisions must be made.  Suzi needed to be spayed, if not that day, then
and you don't know that the outcome might have been the same at some
time.  She may have been terminally stressed whenever the surgery was
done.  In 
the future, you might ask your homeopathic vet if he can recommend
that will helpstronger than    you

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