As you know already, I rescued Ginger about 4 months ago at the parking lot at my work (I had rescued 8 other cats from the colony a couple of years ago also ) – Ginger’s mom is still out there – and I have always wanted to rescue her, but I have not – but now Ginger is positive, and am wondering if the mama is positive for FeLV – but am not sure even if she is negative, if she is really negative ( as I heard that it may show positive on bone marrow though it may not show positive on blood work) – I will have a really difficult time releasing her once I trap as the area she is in is not very comfortable place -

What are the chances for the mother being really negative when their babies are positive – I think the mama had 6 or 7 litters including Ginger, but I stopped seeing them completely after a few weeks their birth (I was afraid that maybe they all died due to feLK?? – this is just after the thought as I did not know that Ginger had FeLK – so I go back and forth, but I don’t know what to do with the mama kitty, I don’t want her to have more litter of kittens, obviously, but I need to have some type of plan – and where Ginger lives right now, it is too small of space to have another kitty – (as I am already running out of space) -

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