Dear Shiela,

I am so very sorry, it literally breaks my heart to hear what happened to Tip.  I can’t stop crying – I so feel your pain very much – a couple of years ago, I was looking for one of my feral cats that I had been feeding for years, and she everyday would show up at the door step to wait for me to feed her – one day, she did not show up, and the 2nd day she did not show up, and I knew something was wrong then – I put flyers everywhere, and one of my neighbors called me to tell me she had found her – she was already dead for a couple of days – again, she was all wet from the rain, too. The lady had put her in a trash bag and in her trash can.  I asked her to give her back to me so that I could bury her in my yard along with her friends and her little boy Henry   it was devastating – roaming dogs killed her.  That was the time when I was also thinking about trapping her and keep her with me two days prior to the day she started missing and I never had a chance to do so –


I am sorry, I did not make it about me – but I just wanted to let you know that I know exactly how you feel – just know that Tip is at a better place now, and he is even closer to you now in a way – he is watching you, so don’t be too sad, because it will make him sad, too. and you will meet him again in another life (I really believe that).






-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb Moermond
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: Tip is Gone


I am so sorry.  Our thoughts and tears are with you.




I couldn't sleep tonight so I got a flash light and look again in the wooded area behind my house. I found my baby he has been dead for a couple days. His body was wet from rain we had over the weekend. I don't know how he died but it looks like maybe dogs or a car hit him. I am so overwhelmed with grief and guilt how could I let this happen to him. He was a big gentle love bug. I don't know if I'll ever get over this loss. I guess I have learned the hard way that there is no safe place out side. We will bury him in the morning next to his Mother. Thank you all for listening and for the prayers. Love, Sheila

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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