Thanks Sally!
I'm just wondering what risks she has as an asymptomatic cat whose bloodwork is normal.  Know what I mean?

Dear Kathy:

What it probably means is that whatever else was going on with your cat at
the time he/she was diagnosed as FeLV, something was causing an elevation in the
WBC, probably some sort of opportunistic infection due to the
immunosuppression as I am not aware that the FeLV virus, by itself, causes elevated WBC.
Since then your cat's condition has probably stabilized. It is my understanding
that blood values for a nonsyptomatic FeLV+ cat will be relatively normal until
something assaults the immune system to which it cannot respond adequately.
In general, elevated or depresssed WBC levels can indicate certain types of
infection or disease processes.

But I am hardly an authority on blood values and the corresponding possible
conditions. There is a member of the Holisticat list who is very well versed
in such things...her name is Rosemary; I can try to forward a copy of your
message to her and see if she will respond.

Sally in San Jose

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