Oh absolutely...uhm...either that or he has already reincarnated into an orange tabby with a big head that as recently shown up at my parent's house.  Same body shape...just different color!  While this one doesn't hiss, he won't allow himself to be touched or caught yet either, yet he lays in Hisspuff's spot.  My mom's freakin' out...she's afraid she'll become a crazy cat lady!  She can't help but feed them...but she doesn't even really like cats and certainly doesn't want to have to think about it outside in the cold and wet...esp. when it refuses to come in, but lays infront of the laundry room window shivering.  Everytime we rent a trap to catch him....he's a no show.  So she is just going to keep feeding him in the hopes that he'll come around like the other two, Tom & Jerry, that she refuses to admit are hers, but they have trained Mom & Dad to let them in the house at will....they even have their own beds downstairs....For that matter, Mom's dog used to HATE cats...Jerry took two and a half years, but won her over too!
What idiot human ever coined the phrase "dumb animals"?

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Every feral cat story I hear, I just can’t stop crying – there is a book called “Livings in shadows  - it’s a book about how to take care of feral cats – the title itself makes me cry because it represents so much of how their life is – I had a feral who used to hisses and growls as she ate – I just love my ferals –


I am sure that your big puffy head boy is in heaven -


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of tamara stickler
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 7:10 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: Tip is Gone-Kathy


We had a feral for about 3 years that we fed...a burmese mix, all black, big puffy head with a small body and stubby legs.  Everytime he saw us he'd hiss....so of course we named him Hisspuff.  After about a year we could pet him while he ate, but he'd still hiss when he first saw us.  We tried to get him to come into the house...but he never would, just prefered the straw we put out for him in the bushes out front.  He got sick, nose stuffed up and eyes running - but wouldn't ever let us catch him.  He showed up at the back of the house one day...just to say goodbye...again we tried to catch him, but he wouldn't have it and went off to die...but he'll ALWAYS be one of my favorites!

Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I know what you mean, some of my feral hisses and spits at me whenever I am near them – but I still love them as much if you know what I mean – There is this poem some one of the FIP list sent to the other list member a long time ago when they lost their love one – and I found it very soothing and am trying to find it so that I can share with this list member -


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:21 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Tip is Gone - Kathy


Thanks Kathy, Seeing them all again will be wonderful. Like you I have had pets of all kinds and I loved them all (even some that were not so lovable.)It makes it easier knowing that they will be there for me when it is my turn to go.

Love, Sheila

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