Dear Michelle,
I'm happy to hear some good news about Lucy and hope she continues to improve.  I'm sorry to hear Pepsi is not doing better.  I know how you feel; one gets so numbed that it's hard for the good news to penetrate the seeming walls of bad news.  Hang in there and give Lucy a smooch from me and my Lucy.
Love, Julie

Lucy had her 30 day x-ray today, a little early, and her bladder stone is
much, much smaller! So the plan is to keep her on the food (S/D) and the meds
(Clavamox, pred, and some Chinese herbs) and re-xray her in another 30 days. She
is urinating less frequently and with less blood, so I think she is more
comfortable (though she never really acted uncomfortable), but I was not allowing
myself to hope! The vet said "well, you deserve some good news every once in a
while." My horse Pepsi is doing worse, and I am still so grieved about
Simon, so I am not feeling as elated as I should, but I am feeling somewhat elated
and very grateful about Lucy. I was so scared that getting surgery would
trigger her virus. There is still a small chance that the stone will not continue
to dissolve all the way, because sometimes the outside is one kind of stone
and the inside is another, but it dissolved so much that the vet thinks this is
not the case with her. He thinks she had an infection and the stone built
around it, which happens sometimes, and which would make sense in her case
because she is positive and thus prone to infections and had never had crystals

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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