I am with you.....I am sending healing vibes your way....hang in there and keep us posted

Melbeach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sending payers your way now!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 12:42 AM
Subject: OT - We need your prayers

> Hi Everyone,
> Bruce and I just got back from the Vet. Our 8 year old German Shepherd
> Dog, Zevon has been having trouble with his back legs for the last
> couple of months. I guess I've been in denial and have been giving him
> stuff for arthritis etc. The vet (not his regular ortho surgeon, he's
> out of town at conferences), suspects either a disc problem or something
> called, Degenerative Myelopathy, (a degenerative neurologic disease),
> something GSDs are prone to apparently. He had to stay at the vet
> overnight to treat him intravenously with steroids to see if whatever is
> causing his paralysis lessens. The ER vet said that there is a chance
> that the steroid therapy alone could help him regain the full use of his
> legs, (let's hope so, tonight's therapy is costing over $1100 bucks and
> we haven't even started diagnostic work yet). If this doesn't help him,
> Bruce and I have a tough decision to make. About 4 years ago, Zevon
> took a leap off a very high cliff in Santa Barbara trying to get to the
> surf below. He sustained severe sprains on both his front legs and we
> were told by three vets to have him PTS before we found a surgeon that
> took on his case and saved his life. Zevon is a highly energetic dog
> that never lets pain get in his way of having a good time. The
> operations and months of recooperative down-stays were extremely hard on
> him. He is also vulnerable to reinjury of his front legs and now with
> his back legs in jeopardy, not to mention the fact that he's no longer a
> young dog, make his prognosis for a quality life in a wheel chair very
> poor. Please include him in your prayers. Please pray that tonight's
> treatment brings us a miracle of at least temporary recovery. He's so
> important to our household, we all love him so much, dogs, cats and
> humans alike. He's such a sweet soul, I don't know how we'd get along
> without him.
> Thanks for caring,
> Nina

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