I've been in contact with Paolo about VO and a couple of you were asking about
him and Micia. I asked him if it would be okay to post his response and he
said no problem. He's been a great help. He also reminded me about what he
calls the "Info Pack" that he emailed to a couple of members awhile back. He
said that he compiled everything about Micia into one gigantic file or post.
If anyone has that, please repost or email it to me. Here's the condensed

Ciao Kyle, sorry for the very late answer...

>Because of Brissle's progress, it might be difficult to tell how much
>difference the VO makes.

  Oh no, I don't think so... :o) if it works like with Micia, you will
notice that Brissle no longer needs any other treatment/medicine, and
you will have to literally pull her away from her food because she starts
eating like a truck driver... you will go bankrupt to feed her! :o)
  Micia was definitely anemic, white gums and a horrible gengivitis that
induced an abnormal salivation too... everything gone 2 weeks after the
beginning of the cycle :o)
  I can't tell you whether Micia is still alive or not, I am separated
and my separation was and is being an awfully bad one, I no longer know
anything about my cats.

>We were wondering if you used any other type of
>immunological drugs between VO cycles.

  Not *between*, but *before*. In 2001 we tried Baypamun, in the so-called
"Bavarian Protocol" (i.e. associated with certain holistic drugs) that was
claimed to have reverted negative some cats. There were horrendous
difficulties to get Baypamun here because it was not marketed in Italy,
and also to find a laboratory equipped to read the "titre", i.e. virus
concentration in blood rather than a simple presence/absence test.
  Experience shown that titre, or virus quantity in blood, was completely
independent of the Baypamun, Micia got no benefit from it.

  Virbagen Omega is another story.

  You won't really need to "periodically refresh" VO cycles, because:

1) When the effects fade away, you notice it without effort.
2) Since stress triggers cortisol and cortisol is an immunodepressant,
   you certainly know that stress is NOT GOOD for FIV/FeLV cats; taking
   them to the vet AND giving them injections is *very* stressful, so
   the negative effects of a stressful *unneeded* therapy might
   counterbalance the positive effects of the previous VO cycle.....

  Thank you for keeping me informed


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