I don't know if it would work, but there are some taste deterrents that you can apply directly to the body.  It would all depend on how she reacts to bitter apple.  There's also a bitter lime.  Are the food/water dishes glass/ceramic/steel?  Plastic is a no-no as I'm sure you know - exacerbates kitty acne.  Have you asked your vet about the ripping out of the hair?  Has anything else changed in the last couple weeks?  You know how sensitive they are to changes in schedule.

tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Question for you concerning OCD:  My Coebeio is a rescued adult stray, any where between 6 & 11 years old.  She is a calico with very fine hair-like the undercoat of a rabbit...I call her my "cotton cat".  She is prone to digestive allergies & cat acne.  Coe has always been extremely playful and extremely affectionate!  When I'm on the phone and she wants my attention, she'll trot past carrying one of my sneakers, a pillow off the bed...or the comforter off the bed.  She's hell on scatter rugs, rolling up in them and attacking!  The last month or so she has developed this game where she will hunt her tail...chasing it over, under, through the legs of a stool I have.  She' VERY animated, turning her head this way and that...talking to it, etc...I made the mistake of laughing at her which only encouraged her.  Now mind you, she would play like this for sometimes 20 minutes straight...but it was just joyous play....until recently.
Begining two weeks ago, I was noticing huge piles of hair laying about here and there.  I assumed that the critters were shedding winter coats, until I came home and found a pile the size of the sight of a rabbit kill!   I grabbed each of the animals (2cats, 1 dog) and really gave them a going over....That's when I noticed that Coebeio's tail seemed thinner.  The next day I actually caught her ripping the hair off her tail after she caught it during play!  Pinning it down with two feet and ripping at it, like a predator!  There isn't any one place on her tail she's going at...just her tail in general.  Now tho...when she catches sight of it....like if she' s on my lap curled up being pet, and her tail moves....she attacks it, and it doesn't seem like play!...like its not a part of her!
There doesn't seem to be any skin irritation on the skin becoming exposed.  No excessive reddness or flaking, no lumps or swelling...no fleas.  It seems...and I know how crazy this sounds...like her tail is a separate entity and they are fighting!
Any suggestions?  I've tried distracting her with toys...when she SEES her tail move..but she'd much rather attack it!  I feed the birds outside the glass doors...is this adding too much frustration to her day do you think?  I've tried giving her more attention...
I'm open to suggestions?  Do you think she has OCD?
(This may have some bearing on it all:  Quintapus the other cat, has CRF and has to be assist-fed -from a spoon several times a day...or he won't eat...but I prepare Coe's food the same way, and when Q gets feed, so does Coe, but from a bowl, Schatzi - the dog, had an eye operation last Sat. and since has been wearing one of those collars which is just freakin' Coe out too.)
Thanks for any help you can give!

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barb Moermond
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:49 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: OT/OCD

what kind of "presents"?  random yet systematic destruction?
obsessive compulsive disorder.... my Bandit too.  Repetitive actions, abnormal focus on a particular issue.  My boy is also hyperactive, very fast metabolism.  I have to clip his claws much more frequently than his brother's and it's hard to keep his weight up.  Bandit will chew fabric and paw at paper, incessantly.  I have found that keeping him supplied with sparkly balls eases a lot of his fabric chewing.  He's self-medicating when he chews - he's all hunkered down, face blank, eyes completely dilated, he's somewhere else!  He follows me around and is very needy.  Always, love me love me, pet me pet me.  Sometimes it seems like he can't figure out what he wants, scritching or to curl up on a lap or to eat or to play and he just kind of bounces from one to the other.  He will jump up on my lap, head butt insistently, purring the entire time:) and jump down and 10 seconds later he does it again.
Is there a favorite toy or game?  A pre-bedtime play session dedicated to Tiger could help.

tamara stickler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes....I'm afraid payback last night was lots of "presents" for me thru'out the house AFTER I (finally thought I) had got to bed. Poor Tiger...he's a very needy little kitty ---he's been diagnosed as OCD---he's on clamypradine (sp?--but any other suggs very welcome. He gets a lot of attention, but I don't think he can ever get enough. It's a bottomless pit. Kerry
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of catatonya
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 11:56 P
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: New addition

Ha!  I've done the same.   Just wait.  He'll wise up to that routine as well!

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tiger has to have meds every night. If I'm not smart enough to catch him unawares and give it to him by, say, 9-ish, he takes off after that time and hides below the bed, because he knows it's THAT sort of time.
I've learned now not to try and get him out when he hides--it's a waste of time. I know now that what I have to do is finish all my end of evening chores, go to bed, and put the lights out. Only then--and always then--I hear a plaintive miaow ("So what took you so long?"), his little head emerges, and he jumps on the bed. And then I have to grab him, put the light on, take him to the bathroom etc.  Scamp! I guess he figures it's one satisfying way to pay me back.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:25 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: RE: New addition

And don’t you love it when you move around a bit too much & they give you that look!!  (how dare you make me move!)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: New addition


In a message dated 3/16/2005 6:18:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

p.s. We have a king-sized bed, too, and they usually give me a little strip to sleep on; as long as I don't take up too much room.  And forget pillows! 

LOL...I have to make a comment on this. I agree totally!

Boy do I feel like a pretzel when I wake up but in the same token they are my security knowing they are there. Have slept with kitties all my life so it feels awkward when I'm away from home unless I visit my daughter then her cats will sleep with me.

Does this make any sense to you guys?

Maybe I'm weird....lol


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Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

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