One of my FeLV- guys, Shadow, had blood clots in all 4 feet for a while shortly after he came here last fall.  He was put on 1/2 a baby aspirin every 3rd day and given antibiotics for a couple weeks, and after a couple weeks he was back to normal.  His started with one foot swelling and his favoring it, then another foot doing that, then another... over a few days.  While his feet were swollen, it was painful for him to have his feet bear weight, so I put him in a cage that my Dad and I had made a while back that had two rooms - each room 20" x20" x20" with a hole in the wall joining them.  I put a low litter pan in one room, and about 3" of sheets and blankets folded up covering the entire floor of the other, and fed and watered him in the padded room.  He rolled everywhere he needed to go as much as he could and only stood when he had no choice.  Once his clots dissolved though, he was back to his usual rambunctious self and hasn't had any other problems - I'm keeping him on the baby aspirin as a precaution though.  His heart rate is normal and he doesn't have a murmur, and I keep a close eye on it to make sure it doesn't change (I check it myself every couple weeks).  I'm planning on taking him to the internal medicine vet soon just to see if he should go on any heart meds.  For now he's doing well just on aspirin though. 
Shadow's a 12 pound adult, go with the dose and frequency your vet recommended for Tigger and ask if it should be increased if she gets bigger and by how much.  Good luck with her. 
Where there's Life, there's Hope


"There is nothing so strong as gentleness, and there is nothing so gentle as real strength." ~ Sir Francis de Sates

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