Oh Julie, what a sad story. Brownie, Trixie and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Julie Johnson wrote:

Dear Friends,
I've written in the past about Brownie, my FIV+, blind and deaf cat. When he came to me after TNR (obviously he could not be released) he had been vetted and I was told about his disabilities. I assumed (NEVER again) that his eyes had been examined and that nothing could be done for him, but sort of had it in the back of my mind to take him to the veterinary opthamologist who I took Paulie to for a specialty opinion. He seems wonderfully happy, has gained lots of weight, lays in his poofy bed purring like he's in heaven, so other things kept coming up and I just never did it.
About 10 days ago I was looking into some feline eye diseases because Trixie has an eye infection that I can't clear up; I suspected entropion (which she in fact does have). I saw a photo of a kitty with a hideously enlared eyeball and the caption said it was glaucoma and that it's extremely painful in cats.
It looked just like Brownie's eye, so off to my vet we went (along with Trixie, to have the entropion checked, and she does have it, though a mild case we will try to treat with steroid drops before we do any surgery). Brownie does in fact have glaucoma in that eye and has a prolapsed lens in the other eye. I can't even describe how sick and furious I am. I immediately called my friend Joan and had her check his chart (I adopted him from her organization) and there is nothing on it recommending any follow-up or other treatment for his eyes; not even a diagnosis other than "blind". We both assumed....she's dealing with the vets who seeminly chose to ignore the condition of his eyes (hey, he's old, he's FIV+, deaf, blind, skin and bones....so what, don't treat him?) and I am taking him to a veterinary opthamologist in Rhode Island this afternoon. It's possible that both his eyes will need to be removed, but we won't know until she examines him. She sounded great on the phone so I am hopeful that we'll get a good diagnosis. I just want him to be pain-free. He doesn't show signs of pain, but we all know how good kitties are at hiding it.
So, if you could all keep Brownie in your thoughts, I'd be so appreciative.
Love, Julie

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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