Hi all,
I wrote a while back about my positive (DD) and her overgrooming.  I took her to the vet 2 weeks ago and she suggested pred.  I know Belinda said that had worked for her cat, but I asked about the benedryl as Michelle had suggested as well.  The vet said the benedryl wouldn't work... She said it would make her drowsy but not help.  I didn't really get into it with her. 
She did say if I didn't want to give pred I could try these allergy 'leave in' rinses and lotions.  Well I thought that would be the least invasive, so I agreed.
DD did NOT appreciate the bath.  And as I was having to scruff her to keep her in the sink I don't know how much of the stuff even got on her.
I can't tell a real difference, but the vet said to do it once a week.
Any ideas?  Should I just go with the pred as the bath is stressful?

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