I had 4 corona virus+ cats. They all lived long and normal lives and never developed FIP, so I think you should stop worrying quite so much about all of that.
Every once in a while, for no apparent reason, one of them would get far too quiet and stop eating. After trying many other treatments, I finally, on the advice of my Vet, simply gave prednisone for a week or two to whomever was behaving this way. The corona virus seems to cause inflammation and the prednisone gets rid of it. I also force fed when necessary. None of those cats ever got plump. From time to time one of them would get pretty skinny, but they made it through their lives happily and FIP-free. Kathy : One of my corona virus positive cats, Simon who is about 7 or 8 years stopped eating since last Friday night all of sudden and he started hiding all of sudden - with all of my corona virus positive cats with unknown cause of illness, the first place I go is usually "oh my gosh, it's FIP - and I freak out. : : Anyway, yesterday I took him to the vet, I was worried how we were going to diagnose him since he is sort of feral and never held him, but he did so well. He just wanted to hide in my jacket, but did very well. Anyway, he did not have a fever which is a good thing and there was no abnormality in tummy area as far as the vet could tell. His inside mouth looked pretty good, too. The blood work came back all normal except that he had a very high total bilirubin of 4.6 (the normal range is between 0.1 and 0.4) - any other liver/kidney measurement was normal. He did have higher protein level with higher globulin - but I also know that it can be caused by dehydration, too. But the vet was not sure what was causing him an illness. : After a shot of penicillin and I also gave him 100ml of fluid, he seems to be feeling a little bit better since he was not hiding this morning and even went outside for a while last night. He also tried to eat a bit. Any idea what's wrong with him? : Regardless, please pray that he will get better soon - he is already getting skinny (in his hip and hind leg area) and am worried.