Hello All,
    I found out a little more regarding the availability in Canada, but nothing "conclusive" yet.  This product is a veterinary biologic which falls under the mandate of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.  I emailed them, and this was their response:
"This veterinary biologic is not yet licensed for veterinary use in Canada.  Veterinarians requiring veterinary biologics for emergency use can request an import permit from the Veterinary Biologics Section.  These requests are normally processed within about 2 weeks, and there is a $60 cost-recovery fee for these permits."
    The response also included a link regarding the import permit (which I already had found on my own some time ago and printed off a copy in case I need it for future use).
    I am somewhat "encouraged" by the statement "not yet licensed" - as in perhaps it's going to be licensed in the not to distant future, but possibly they're not permitted to give out that information to the general public?  I will see if they can tell me if the licensing is "in the works".
    By the way, would any of you who have been getting the Virbagen Omega Interferon imported for emergency use, mind giving me an idea of the cost of the drug itself?
    My Pekoe & Digby are both doing really well right now.  No symptoms of FelV, no anemia, etc.  Pekoe's last Hemobart test after the 3 wk. course of Doxycycline was Neg.  The lab that did it (and his initial PCR test - for free!) is recommending a repeat PCR in a month.  Digby had some redness on his gums which I had checked out immediately.  We've been brushing his teeth daily for 2 wks. now, and he will be seen by his vet tomorrow for a follow-up to see if brushing has done the trick.  He may have the beginnings of a bad tooth, which is the reason for the follow-up.  My concern would be if he had to have the tooth removed, that the stress of the dental work would cause FelV associated symptoms to surface.  Will have to cross that bridge if I come to it I guess.

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