You all will stay in my thoughts and your furbabies in my prayers but right now I have to go to no mail and concentrate on my dog Frasier. I took him in for heartworm testing and the vet noticed a small growth on his side. the bad news is mast cell tumor the good news is it is not on a bone. we are awaiting blood work results before operating. he believes he will be able to get "deep margins" around the tumor so it will not spread. Frasier is 11-12-13-who knows exactly-he was a pound rescue who was my dog Maddy's best friend for a decade before she passed last summer from her cancer. she was cancer free for 8 yrs after a mast cell tumor on a bone in her back leg.
i am so mad. I give him supplements, premium food yet too many morons here on Long Island get those hideous chemicals on their lawns so the stupid things will look green.
oh well, off to join the caninecancer group again. damn.
Good luck to you all and please pet your kitties for me.hopefully I will be back soon if only to lurk. so far clancy my only positive left has been fine--knock on wood! Wish you all many years with your furgangs.

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