Thank you, Michelle –

I know what you mean.. all my other FeLV negative ones vomit all the time and I don’t think much of it unless they act ill – but when coming to Ginger, I am so paranoid about everything –

Has anyone experienced any side effects from Immuno-regulin?  My holistic vets sort of discouraged using it and I am a little scared to use --- but have not heard any side effects from anyone on the list, and was just wondering.. thank you!




Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Ginger - throwing up


Hi, Hideyo. I don't think vomiting itself is a symptom of FeLV, or that positive cats who are not otherwise sick do it any more than negative cats.


If her appetite is down but she has no other symptoms, I think I would try Immuno-regulin.  That article on the website says it helps with all non-cancer illnesses associated with FeLV, and it seemed to help Brissle with her anemia and other symptoms.


Sending lots of good thoughts,



In a message dated 4/8/05 3:46:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Ginger threw up this morning, a lot.

This happened once a few months ago, and I did not know it’s a common symptom for a FeLV kitty –

Her appetite has not been great lately – almost every day, I have been force-feeding her– don’t get me wrong – she does eat, but not as much as she used to do –

I just love her so much- I know she deserves more than what I am giving her right now – though she asks so little of me -

Please send a positive energy to Ginger that she will feel better soon, please..


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