I guess we'll find out about Baytril. I had our rx for Baytril refilled and already gave Brissle one earlier today. You give one pill a day. They're pretty big. I made an appt with an internist for Monday. He turned out to be the same guy my vet suggested going to. I'm curious to see what he says about the Baytril vs dox question.
So how long do antibiotics take to have an effect? Can it be just a few hours? Brissle is acting much friskier since I got home. The last couple of days I noticed her acting funny, hanging out in the bathroom, didn't come to me for attention - some of the stuff I saw her doing when she first crashed. Now she's back to being affectionate. She's sitting on my lap now. Hasn't done that for a week or two. Hope it's not just a coincidence!
Thanks for all the help and ideas. You guys are great!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News

hmmm, i thought doxy and/or erythromycin (that is NOT spelled correctly!) were the usual treatments of choice?

On Apr 8, 2005 5:16 PM, Sue Feldbusch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Baytril usually works bests to treat hemobart.

>Reply-To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>Subject: Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News
>Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 20:14:54 -0700
>Yea Michelle!  (Don't you just love her?).
>Kyle, I'd forgotten we were talking about the vet with questionable
>My Grace was tested for Hemobart and it came up negative, my vet (an
>internist, btw), suspected it and put her on Dox anyway.  She tells me the
>different blood parasites need to be tested for specifically, (part of what
>makes detection difficult) and it could be something else.  If Brissle does
>have Hemobartinella, it  is very hard to get rid of.  The Dox doesn't kill
>it; it inhibits the growth.  This is why it is usually prescribed for
>long-term periods, unlike Amoxi, or Clavomox.  In a patient with an
>otherwise healthy immune system, (count our guys out), the antibiotic keeps
>the parasite under control until the immune system can mount an attack that
>hopefully gets rid of it completely. It's notorious for appearing to be
>gone, sometimes for years, and then when the immune system is compromised
>with something else, wham, it's back.  Dox is suppose to be given 2x daily,
>because it , oh, I forget the word, it clears from the system after 12
>hours.  Grace, however, seems to do great on it just once a day.  A word of
>warning, the compounded Dox tastes just vile.  I just spent $86 bucks on
>some the other day, and the reaction from my girls was so bad, (even with
>adding banana flavor to cut the bitterness), I'm back to the pills.
>I'm pulling for you and Brissle,
>Melbeach wrote:
>>Thanks Michelle! Something told me you'd straighten me out! Everything you
>>said makes sense. I really do need to see a specialist. I'll look for an
>>intern tomorrow.
>>You know, I knew I should have asked for a hemobart test. We never had one
>>in the first place. Brissle was on Baytril, then Dox for the first two
>>weeks, but that's it. I stopped before starting the VO. So it's been about
>>three weeks. Since she was making good progress and wasn't on antibiotics
>>for three weeks, it didn't dawn on me that hemobart could still be a
>>problem. It might make sense to go back on dox and have a blood test
>>  L/M stands for Lymph/Mono or Lymphocytes. That's what my vet was most
>>concerned about. Here's a description: "These smooth, round white blood
>>cells increase in number with chronic infection, recovery from acute
>>infection or underactive glands and decrease with stress, or treatment
>>with steroids and chemotherapy drug." So these would go up with WBC I
>>assume. I also noticed the comment on the lab results: "Buffy Coat (3)
>>Lymph/Mono layer has not separated distinctly from the other cell layers,
>>possibly due to inadequate staining. Confirm differential results with a
>>blood smear." So maybe there was a test error or maybe her number is so
>>bad it threw off the software?
>>  Just a silly question on finding an intern. Do interns actually take
>>clients themselves? Or would I need to go through the hospital? I'm just
>>not sure how that works.
>>  Thanks again Michelle. You're awesome! I appreciate your insight.
>>  -Kyle
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>     *To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
>>     <mailto:felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
>>     *Sent:* Thursday, April 07, 2005 8:37 PM
>>     *Subject:* Re: Brissle Update - Good News and Bad News
>>     Kyle,
>>              I am at a loss to understand why your vet thinks it's cancer
>>     in the bone marrow.  First, if she has cancer (it would be
>>     lymphoma) in the bone marrow, that would have been causing the
>>     anemia and it would NOT have gone away from Immuno-regulin and VO.
>>     A transfusion might have helped a little, but it would not have
>>     made her hematocrit improve that amount for that many weeks.  When
>>     lymphoma in the bone marrow causes anemia, it is because it takes
>>     up space in the bone marrow that is usually used to make red blood
>>     cells. Without killing off the lymphoma, you can not increase
>>     production of red blood cells. Transfusions increase red blood
>>     cells artificially by adding them in, but red blood cells do  not
>>     live that long and so a transfusion can not increase HCT that much
>>     or for very long in a cat whose bone marrow is so compromised that
>>     red blood cell production is down to the point that HCT is 9.7.  I
>>     am not a doctor, but after going through what I went through with
>>     Simon, who had lymphoma in his bone marrow, I am pretty positive I
>>     am right on this.  Second, when lymphoma takes over bone marrow,
>>     it also compromises white blood cell production, and so causes WBC
>>     count to go down, not up.  For these two reasons, I really doubt
>>     she has lymphoma.  By all means, though, I would take her to a
>>     specialist, an internist or an oncologist.  I would probably go to
>>     an internist, because that person would be more likely to tell
>>     what else is going on if it is not cancer.
>>               I have no idea what L/M stands for.  But to me, it sounds
>>     like she could have hemobartonella-- was she screened for that? It
>>     can sometimes be hard to detect.  That can be combatted with dox,
>>     which I think you had Brissle on?, and I would think also the
>>     immune stimulants you gave her (I-R and VO), and because
>>     it behaves like an infection if it is not entirely gone it would
>>     make WBC go up (infections do that) while suppressing HCT (because
>>     it kills red blood cells).              Again, I would take her to an
>>internist. They are usually at
>>     hospitals and places called veterinary referral centers. I could
>>     be talking out my ear, but I have learned a lot about lymphoma and
>>     anemia, through unfortunate means, over the last few years, and
>>     what you wrote your vet said makes no sense to me.
>>          Michelle
>>          In a message dated 4/7/05 6:50:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>     [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>         I just spoke with my vet after Brissle's blood tests from
>>         today. The good
>>         news: Her HCT is now 21.3%, up from 9.7% five weeks ago. The
>>         bad news: Her WBC
>>         is now 36.8, up from 17.3 (normal is 5.0 to 18.9). And her L/M
>>         is now 24.4
>>         (normal is 1.5 to 7.8), up from 9.0. Both of these numbers are
>>         off the chart.
>>         My vet said that all signs point to cancer and he's strongly
>>         recommending
>>         sending Brissle to a specialist for chemo. He said that her
>>         glands felt
>>         normal. He believes that the cancer is in the bone marrow.
>>         Everything else
>>         seems normal at this point. She's eating fine, energy is good.
>>         I will probably go ahead with the chemo. Just wanted to hear
>>         what the peanut
>>         gallery thought. I'm also wondering how much it costs and how
>>         often you have
>>         to go.
>>         Thanks!
>>         -Kyle


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