Thanks, Kerry as always for your kind words.
When we took care of him for a few days due to his injury three weeks
ago, something told me that I wanted to take pictures of him, so I did -
yesterday, I went developed them - I am so glad that I have his pictures
with me - I put it in a frame and kiss him and hug him (which I could
never do to him because he was so feral) - I did not want to forget what
he looked like - he had such an innocent cute face - now I won't have to


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 12:21 PM
Subject: RE: My beautiful angel Jazz is gone

I'm so sorry about the little stray boy kitty. I'm crying with you. I'm
glad you got a little comfort. It's so hard. And you're so brave.
much love, Kerry

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: My beautiful angel Jazz is gone

Nina, I am so very sorry to hear about Jazz - I am crying with you,
Nina. I just hate this disease so much and I wish I could find words to
make you feel better - but I know that you know that I understand
exactly what you are going through.

Nina, I talked to two ACs on Friday regarding the injured stray kitty
that has been missing - and I wanted to share this with you in case you
feel that this might be something that you might want to consider for
Jazz (talking to Jazz through AC though you are the one who originally
recommended to me about ACs).

Anyway, two ACs, they both said a very similar thing about the boy kitty
which was that he already crossed over, his soul is now out of his body.
I was and am very sad - and I cried and I cried, but at the same time, I
was able to communicate him via AC - and it was one of the most amazing
experience I ever had in my life. Then, I realized that the worst thing
I could have expected that was not that he was no longer alive, but he
was somewhere suffering, and wanted to be found, and I couldn't. -  and
that was not the case.  He said that he just went peacefully with no
pain - it was something that was there for a long time, perhaps, cancer,
and he knew that his time was approaching and he perhaps came to say
good bye to Susan on Saturday of two weeks ago.

This might sound weird - though no longer he was alive on this earth, he
told me that he was OK - he had a good life and he loved me and still
loves me.  But he was worried about me, he thought that Susan would be
sad, (my neighbor) but she would be ok - but he was worried about me
because I love too much, and can't let go and he did not want me to be
sad - 

Knowing that he was ok in his new world gave so much a peace of mind
which I never experience before.  I still cry every day missing him and
thinking about him, but knowing that he is no longer suffering gives me
a sense of peace which I found it so valuable.

The both ACs told me that nothing is 100% and they can be wrong - so I
still look for him everywhere I go , but even if I don't see him - I can
feel him, and he will be in my heart always...just like Jazz will be in
your heart...

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 2:46 PM
Subject: My beautiful angel Jazz is gone

The day we all dread came for Jazz and our family today.  My beautiful 
girl has gone to join her brother Flash and sister, Molly.  She had been

sick for the last couple of weeks and hadn't eaten for the last three 
days and her breathing had become fast and shallow.  I brought her in to

my GP vet this morning to get sub q fluids for her.  During his exam, he

became concerned about the faintness of her heartbeat.  We took xrays 
and it wasn't good.  Her lungs were pressed against her trachea, her 
heart was enlarged, and her liver deformed.  So, you see,  all the Dox 
and VO in the world wouldn't have helped.  This came on so suddenly.  My

first indication that something was wrong came about a month ago when I 
noticed her sitting in the same spot, just staring into space.  Then, 
about three weeks ago she didn't respond to my call and scared the heck 
out of me until I discovered her sitting in a corner of the garage, (all

my babies come when I call, this was very unusual behavior for her), 
then the signs of anemia began.  The last week has been the worst, more 
and more lethargy, less and less of my sweet Jazz's joy of life.  Today,

before we went to the vet, she looked at me and I swear I heard her say,

Mom, I love you, but please don't force any more medicine or food on me.

She'd lost 2 lbs over the last month and when I picked her up she'd be 
like a limp doll in my arms. Still, I never expected this morning to be 
the last morning we'd share. 

I'm so sad, so tired, in way too much disbelief, given the 
circumstances.  I just can't believe my beautiful girl with the glamor 
tail won't be bugging me anymore when I make myself a cup of tea.  She 
used to somehow know when I'd reach for the box and come running out of 
nowhere begging for the balled up tea wrapper to chase around the front 
room.  Who's going to jump on my lap when I'm fresh out of the shower 
for a warm, humid, love session?  Who will be nice to Kimba Cat now?  My

beautiful, naughty, sweet loving girl is gone.  She just turned 18


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