I'm glad DD is home safe and sound.  You're such a good mom.  Shouldn't the Benadryl help either way?  I have a client with a Lab with allergies that takes Benadryl, she says it mellows him out, (and if you'd met this dog, you'd know what a feat that is!).

catatonya wrote:
DD came through her dental fine and I got the compounded benadryl!!!  I brought her home right away after surgery and brought her into my bedroom in the kennel and locked the other guys out.  She came out of the kennel a while and slept on the bed and then got back in the kennel.  Overnight I let the other cats back in and she slept with me some and then got back in the kennel!  She seems to feel secure in there, so I've left it.  I'm hoping that the kennel itself might stop the overgrooming.  If it doesn't, the benedryl has already arrived.  I'm going to wait a few days to see if there's improvement without having to use it.  Maybe it's really just stress and not allergies.

The Beandryl cream (compounded benadryl I put on the inside ear skin)
DOES help Patches and does NOT make her drowsy, at least not so I can tell. She
is less combative and pulls her hair out less, but still runs around. It only
works in combination with a feloway diffuser though, for her. It seems worth
trying, to me, because it can't hurt at all and has no long-term side
effects, the way pred can.


In a message dated 4/4/05 11:04:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Hi all,

I wrote a while back about my positive (DD) and her overgrooming. I took her
to the vet 2 weeks ago and she suggested pred. I know Belinda said that had
worked for her cat, but I asked about the benedryl as Michelle had suggested
as well. The vet said the benedryl wouldn't work... She said it would make her
drowsy but not help. I didn't really get into it with her.

She did say if I didn't want to give pred I could try these allergy 'leave
in' rinses and lotions. Well I thought that would be the least invasive, so I

DD did NOT appreciate the bath. And as I was having to scruff her to keep
her in the sink I don't know how much of the stuff even got on her.

I can't tell a real difference, but the vet said to do it once a week.

Any ideas? Should I just go with the pred as the bath is stressful?

tonya >>

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