Hi Nina,
Thanks so much for your reply.  We found out that Roxie was positive back in January.  She wasn't sick, but her brother Ollie had been very sick (diarreha, vomiting, very lethargic) and our vet tested him and he was positive.  So, of course we tested Roxie and she was positive too.  They are 9 months old now and they had already had their shots, but turns out, their mother had passed it to them at birth (we know the lady who found the mom and called to let her know that she should be tested after both our babies were + and she was also +).  They are on Interferon and as good a food as they will eat.....they are both very picky.  Ollie has his stomach episodes every week and a half to 2 weeks, but he always recovers in about 2 to 3 days.  Actually, it used to be 3 days, but the last couple of times it has only taken him 2 days to be back to normal.  Other than that, he feels great....plays all the time, eats well.  Roxie was always my healthy baby until last week (except for a little gigivitis) when she had the upper respiratory infection.  She still seems a little tired, but a lot better than before.  The hardest thing is never knowing what to expect.  Everytime Ollie gets sick, I am afraid that this is the one that he won't be able to recover from, but he always does and when he is well, he is REALLY well.  No way could I think about putting Roxie down when she has had 1 rough week out of 9 months. 
Thanks again for asking,
Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh Lisa, I'm so thrilled to hear about Roxie's turn around!  Your first post put a knot in my stomach and had me so concerned for you guys.  Thank goodness you followed your instincts, held your ground and didn't listen to the vet at the ER!  I've had some terrible experiences with ER vets myself.  Does Roxie have any other symptoms associated with FelV?  Does she have the tell-tale gingivitis that so many of our angels get?  How old is she?  Many blessing to you and your Roxie and thank you for the good news.

Lisa Roberts wrote:
Well, good news.  Roxie seems to be much better.  She had improved yesterday, but was not completely back to normal and then this morning she ran up the stairs for breakfast and ate well again.  Her breathing is completly back to normal.  I am so happy.  Of course, we'll have to keep a close eye on her.  My vet wants to do a 2nd round of Clavomox (antibiotics) just to make sure we completely clear the upper respiratory infection and I am going to pick up a  bronchodialter medication in case she has trouble again, but hopefully this is an isolated incident caused by the URI. 
Thank you all so much!

Lisa Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My poor Roxie has taken a sudden turn for the worse.  Last week we took her into my regular vet last week for an upper respiratory infection and he started her on Lysine and antibotics (she has been on interferon since March).  On Friday night we noticed her breathing was heavier and more rapid then normal.  She was also lethargic and her appetite had decreased.  On Saturday evening she was even breathing with her mouth open at times so we took her into the animal emergency office. 
I didn't realize how much I appreciate my normal vet until I talked to this guy.  He was very negative and made us feel like we were giving Roxie a poor quality of life by keeping her alive.  But the thing is, until last week, she has always been very healthy.  He did soften up a little toward the end of the visit (I was in tears by this point).  They put Roxie on oxygen for about an hour and gave her shots of Dexamethasone and Brethine, hoping that it would open her airways. 
So far, she is some better, but her breathing does get worse when she gets stressed, and giving her he antibotics really stresses her.  I just hope that she is able to get passed this.  I am at my wits end.  I plan to take her back to the regular vet on Monday unless she is dramatically better. 
Thanks for listening, I really appreciate this group so much.  I usually only lurk, but its such a comfort to be able to tell my story to people who really understand. 
Please keep your fingers crossed for my little Roxie -

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