My first guess is it's probably nothing to be too concerned about. If Cleo is otherwise healthy, (and just got unceremoniously ousted from your lap), it could very well be behavioral. Keep a close eye on her and give her lots of undivided attention. Tell her that Sugar could never take her place in your heart and you won't let Sugar push her from your lap again. Let us know what happens.

tamara stickler wrote:

Its amazing how sensitive they can be. She may be keeping Sugar from using the box, because Sugar kept her from your lap. (They are more complicated creatures than we give them credit for.) OR, she may know from a past observation, that acting out of sorts will net her more of your direct attention, and she may just need you right now. If Sugar pushed her off your lap, and you welcomed Sugar, she very well may be feeling insecure right now...hence the litter box bed.

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