Thanks so much, Sally.  Some vaccination seems necessary, but I agree that it can be overdone.  I don't intend to vaccinate again for at least three years, if then.  The vet agrees on the three years.

Dear Sharon:

My most sincere condolences for the loss of your mom. Even though we are
able to talk to our human loved ones and express all that we feel a need to share
while they are still here with us in corporeal form (unlike with our
furkids), it still leaves emptiness and emotional pain when we have to let them go. We
humans have such a need for that which we can see and touch. You will find
that she is still with you in many intangible ways, though I know right now that
may not seem like much comfort. Having feline furkids can be very comforting
at a time like this...they are close to their spiritual nature and sponges
for our emotions.

With regard to vaccine reactions, the fact that many kittys do react
negatively to them should tell us something. Vaccines are a significant stress to the
immune system and especially the way they are usually given (too often and in
multiple combinations). Most holistic vets do not recommend the widespread
use of vaccines, and certainly not given as yearly boosters. One needs to
assess the risks vs. any real benefit...such as sacrificing long-term health for
short-term disease prevention. What is the liklihood of exposure? Is it a
life-threatening illness you are seeking to prevent? Or, is there a law
mandating it?

If one finds it absolutely necessary to give vaccines to his/her furkids,
things that can help to minimize negative reactions would be:
1) Use only single-valent vaccines;
2) Administer an immune booster such as Transfer Factor for 2-3 days prior to
vaccinating, and 2-3 days after.
3) Give a dose of homeopathic Thuja in conjunction with the vaccine to help
override any toxic effect.

The second recommendation comes from Dr. J. Lauren De Rock, a holistic vet in
Aromas, CA, who introduced me to the benefits and use of Transfer Factor
therapy. She said she has not experienced any negative reactions to vaccines
since she began using that protocol.

The first and third recommendations come from the holistic vet Dr. Martin
Goldstein (author of The Nature of Animal Healing) and also Dr. Don Hamilton
(author of Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs). There is a thorough discussion of
the dubious legacy of vaccines in both their books.

I do hope your Carolina will rebound and be back to her usual self with no
long-lasting ill effects. For any cats who have a significantly negative
reaction to vaccines, I would think twice before re-vaccinating. Humans do not
need to have yearly boosters for every thing under the sun after being initially
innoculated (only periodic boosters for tetanus, which is a toxin and not a
virus) and a wiser approach would be to do titer testing to determine whether or
not re-vaccination is really necessary when faced with a real risk of

Sally in San Jose

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