For what it's worth, if I could get a feeding tube in Gypsy, I'd do it in a second. My vet is concerned that even "light" anesthesia would be to much for her frail body, so it's not an option.


Kyle, something you may want to consider is a feeding tube. I considered it with Simon but was able to get him eating on his own again. They insert them under light anesthesia, I think they are called e-tubes, and apparently they really do not bother the cats. You can easily get full nutrition into her that way. I have been averse to them myself, but I keep being told that cats do not mind them and do not mind being fed through them and feel better with the food.

If the depo is not working, it is still possible that dex would help. But I really have no idea how much steroids even help with what Brissle has.


In a message dated 5/2/05 7:43:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Well Brissle is doing about the same. She has enough energy to get around. Still barely eating, if at all yesterday. I think today I will focus more on food than on Transfer Factor, like I was doing yesterday. It's just so hard to medicate her and syringe feeding is about the same as medicating. I only get two or three of those a day. So I think the food is going to be more important. At this point, it will be about 3 1/2 days since her depomedrol injection. So I'm not very optimistic. I've just been making the most out of the past few days, spending alot of quality time with her.


-Kyle >>

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