Sleep soft, sweet MIkey -

My sincere condolences,

At 10:30 AM 5/4/2005, you wrote:
Dear Everybody,

This is to let you know that Mikey has joined his brothers in cat heaven. He did not respond to Monday's treatments, so the vet gave him a substantial amount of fluid yesterday evening, which revived him and I became hopeful that the dehydration was his only problem. However, the revival did not last and he died in the early hours of this morning. The vet has determined that, based on the array of symptoms, Mikey had an underlying liver problem and most likely a variety of organic issues resulting from that. So the real problem was not the dehydration and lack of interest in eating. These were results of the liver problem.

Belinda, please add Mikey to next week's Candlelight Service.

Many thanks to all who contributed healing messages and specific suggestions for caring for an FELV+ cat.

We still have Bubba, our 4 year old boy, who is going strong, to console us.


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