Some of you "old timers" will remember Jamie's absolutely hilarious story about what she went through when she tried to fill an amitryptilline.....
very funny!
=^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth and Alec =^..^=
----- Original Message -----
From: Nina
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: Hard to vet

Thanks for letting us know about Midnight's reaction to the Ace.  I would probably go with the amitryptilline, because I've heard of good results with it 

You've all heard me talk about our GSD, Zevon.  He is the sweetest, most loving and gentle, (albeit, clumsy), creature at home, but when we get the vet, look out.  It's like Jekel and Hide!  He had a VERY bad experience at the vet once, and since then he acts like he wants to tear anyone in a white coat's head off. (Pretty embarrassing for a dog trainer!).  We usually ask the vet to come into the parking lot for the exam, that really helps.  Another thing we have found that helps, is for us not to be present while they are administering to him.  He's much worse with us there.  The folks at the vet think it's because he's being protective of us, I think it's because he feels like he's got allies and it makes him more confident, (he figures his homies have his back!).  At any rate, he turns into his sweet, docile self when we're not with him.  I hate to watch him walking away from us, but it does help.

While Ace Promazine works as a sedative, I would be very careful with it's use.
One of my dogs has several "issues", and getting her to the vet is always an adventure. (She is aggressive, among other things)
All her bloodwork came back fine, but she needs regular visits because of ear problems (related to allergies, she's my vegan dog).
My vet dispensed a low dose of ace to be given prior to her vet appts.
Approximately 15 minutes after giving her the ace she started "seizing", it was terrible! I called the vet and rushed her right in. My vet is 45 minutes drive. The seizures apparently were a major factor that led her to have a stroke.
Her condition was touch and go for several days. A specialist was called in and the only explanation that both Dr.s could come up with was a reaction to the ace promazine.
Since that happened, we are reluctant to use any type of drug that affects the nervous system. Also her age is a factor..
We were very lucky she made a full recovery. (I LOVE MY VET!)
So now, I have to muzzle her at home, before we make the long drive. I've used the Rescue Remedy and other flower extracts, but truthfully with her, I don't see any results.
I just feel so bad for her because it's always a traumatic event. But, despite her age, she still is a pistol. It takes 3 of us to hold her for exam!
I think the staff dreads her visits as much as Middy does!
I haven't heard of it being avaialable as a compounded cream though. I know elavil (amitryptilline) is, and we have used that on our ferals.
I just thought I would share Midnight's reaction to the Ace...

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