I've gotten a couple of bags too. Unfortunately, the only size bag available around here seems to be the 2lb for $8. I'll have to special order anything larger. Everyone seems to love it. I've been putting small bowls of it next to their regular dry, (Solid Gold), and they go for it as if I've put out canned tuna! Getting rid of all the unnecessary grains has got to be better for them. I wish they had left out the fruit and veggies too, but oh well. I still can't let Gypsy, (my IBD girl), have any dry, she has to stay exclusively on raw. It certainly is making me feel better about feeding dry to my other furballs though.

If your "bald food-allergy" cat, (poor baby), is allergic to grain, then it makes sense that he's (?) doing better. Nina


I have just completed the switch-over to the new Innova EVO cat food, and I think they really are going to do great on it. Maybe it's all in my head, but I THINK the bald food-allergy cat is already growing back some HAIR! Has anyone else switched their cats' food over to the EVO yet? And if so, have you noticed anything amazing yet? Just curious because I THINK it was on THIS list where I first heard about it a couple of weeks ago now. I'm just glad it's still under $40 for a 15 pound bag, I think it came to $36.50 here! Time will tell if it's worth it or not, but I REALLY think Mythic is scratching less and looks a bit "furrier" than he did 3 weeks ago.


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