You are so strong and couragous, your BF might just not understand, but at least he cares for Akira, and is wanting to know about her well being, can you not just sit outside with her on your lap, that might be nice for her, she is a strong little kitty, I know it is hard to watch them go, keep up your own strength you are going to need it, take care Lisa, we are all here for you..

In a message dated 5/11/2005 7:12:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lisa, is Akira gone? I somehow missed an email if she actually has passed.  I
am very sorry.  I think you know how sorry I am, and how keenly I know what
you are going through.

Thanks for asking...but no..she isnt yet...this is so hard...she is sleeping alot...I really dont think it will be long..Im jsut trying to keep her BF said that just before I got home she got up, went into the other room adn threw up..shich isnt a good sign..she doesn't have ANYTHING..but mabey a bit of water to throw up...she still purrs when I come into the rooma dn pet her, bless her heart..and this afternnoon before I wnet to work..I asked her if she wanted to go outside..she popped up and trotted to the door waiting for her leash...she loves being outside so much.,....I cant wait for her to be whole and healthy again and able to be free outside as much as she wants.....It is sucha horribel thing she had to have theis FeLV..even more so that she must be confined from her love of the outdoor world so much...She got to go for walks..but how she would have loved an outdoor stay in whenever she wanted...but we rent so never could build it...soon she will be romping in fields, lounging in the sun she loves so very much....Im going to ask the vet tomorrow to call me in some metrocloprimide injections for she wont be feeling nauseus....she is so week..yet so alert..this is so BF really doesn't understand why she doesn't have a chance...he keeps calling me asking over and over again..I told him to just call the vet for ehr to explain it to him..but he wont....Im having a hard enough time coping with this on my own to be having to justify it to him 5 times a day.....
Lisa and the furbrats
Akira, Indy, Spooky, Mona, Lancelot, Bowtie, Bennie and Anza

Have a purrfect day
  • Re: Akira.. Cherie A Gabbert

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