The little homeopathic pellets of phosphorous? Do you pill them with them?
In a message dated 5/13/05 11:54:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, Michelle, I am wondering she is having a difficult time to recover from the surgery itself â itâs a major surgery - something similar happened to my FIV positive cat, Leo â I almost lost him after the dental surgery and after giving him dox â he completely stopped eating for two weeks, my regular vet thought he would not recover and I knew she was thinking that I should euthanize him â I was devastated because I was not expecting it at all â but sometimes with cats with immune system already compromised will have a very difficult time to recover after the surgery â

Anyway, my holistic vet suggested that I stopped antibiotics right way, and give a remedy called phosphorus (sorry I am not sure if itâs the right spell) â it caused him a miracle, I think â after two weeks, he stood up all of sudden and started eating again!  I cried so hard, and my regular vet was amazed about his recovery â


But itâs important that you give fluid every single day as hydration become critical to survival â which I did with Leo â he did not eat any food since I could barely force feed him, but  I gave 100 ml of fluid twice a day â thatâs what kept him alive until the miracle happened â


I will be praying that Ginger will soon feel better.



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