Thanks, Jen. She was given Metacam, which she can get only every 48 hours. She was due for a second dose this morning but I did not want to give it to her, and the dentist agreed. The dentist things her URI is probably bothering her more at this point, and that the Metacam is not good to take with a URI for some reason having to do with the mechanism by which it reduced inflammation. I could not really understand what she was saying, except that she agreed not to give it to her. I know she could still be in pain, so I went back and forth about it. 
In a message dated 5/13/05 2:29:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sorry, I'm so behind on this topic may have already been
discussed...but what kind of pain killers is Ginger on?  My Pips had a
similar tooth extraction and the vet gave me an injectable pain killer
(I think that I only gave it to him once a day, right between the
shoulder blades) that went to work immediately (and very effectively by
the look on his face!)...and it did wonders for his appetite...I imagine
Ginger's mouth is extremely sore and probably now associates a plate of
food with a large amount of pain...I know you want to limit the number
of drugs Ginger is receiving, but a stronger pain killer may dull the
pain enough to encourage eating!  Just a guys are
certainly in my thoughts!


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