Golden Seal is an herb with antibiotic, antiviral properties. If you get cut or scratched (or your kitty), it promotes healing - kind of like it's name, "Golden Seal". It's good for ulcers in the corner of your mouth, or inside. You have to be careful with taking it internally, just like synthetic pharmaceuticals. But it's supposed to have some good properties for healing infections internatlly too.


That is interesting to know that it is Golden Seal and not gold seal. I wonder how that is suppose to clear Samson's mouth up. Georgette, the person that told me about it has not responded to any of my E-Mails on this. Maybe her computer is down. that is interesting to know that it is a herb.

"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Barbara - that's interesting! I use Golden
Seal, and love it. I don't know much about it's
use internally, but do use it as a mouth wash,
and have recently used it on my kitties as a
mouth wash. Course the kitty swallowed it, but
hey, that's all right, I just don't know much
about it.

I get it at the health food store - buy it dry in
capsules, and open them up. For a mouth wash,
can mix it in water. For this kitty, I mixed it
with water or Georges Aloe Vera and used a
syringe to squirt it in the mouth. Also gave him
a bunch of other things, including Dr. Belfield's
vitamin C.

I put it on any cuts or scratches that I get (or
a cat or dog), and use it myself on cold sores,
mouth ulcers, etc.


Hi Georgette, My vet wants to try the gold seal on Samson. He couldn't find it on the internet. Is it an injection, power or what? Let me know. Barbara

Hi Barbara; My name is Georgette. Your email
didnt say were you live. I have a Pet sitting
service and I specialize in animals with special
needs. I was a vet Teck. I also read in your
email that your one angel has thryoid problems.
My Tafty had thryoid problems and I had the
Iodione Treatment done with one injection and a
four day stay in the hospital because it is
radioative and now your thryoid is back to
normal. And Samson that has Stomatitis. Take him
to a Dental Vet that does nothing but dental work
on animals and deals with Stomatitis. Have the
pockets of the teeth cleaned out and all the
teeth but the four canie in the front left in and
put the cat on gold seal. My Fantasia had
Stomatitis when I had all the teeth out except
for the four canie and put him on gold seal he
never had a nother problem with the Stomatitis.
But make sure they clean the pockets of the
teeths out. My Fantasia was FeLv Positive and it
is from that. Fantasia is on the other side now
since August 14, 2004. I looked up Stomatitis in
vet medical books and found out what to do. Keep
iin touch I use to be a Vet Teck.

-----Original Message----- From: Nina To: Sent: Tue, 10 May 2005 07:28:25 -0700 Subject: Re: for Barbara (Baass) re unsubscribe

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 *I have not been any where over night for 7
years. There is just not any one to trust

Oh yeah Barbara, it sounds like Tom has steered you to the right group of people! You're definitely one of us! Nina

Barbara Baass wrote:

 *Problem is that I don't have family here and
few friends that I have > are not cat lovers.*
 *Had a bad experience with cat sitter. She was
suppose to come by > twice a day and I came home
early and caught her here at around 2:00 > that
afternoon. It was suppose to be in the morning
and in the > afternoon. I was mad. I had a CRF
kitty at the time. I wondered how > long she had
been coming by like that, only once a day and my
getting > charged twice. I had another sitter
and she was great. She wrote down > every thing
from the time she came till the time she left.
She moved > to Houston though. I only had two
kitties then. Now I have 5, so I > have not been
any where over night for 7 years. There is just
not any > one to trust conpletely. Mitsy has to
have thyroid pills twice a day > and Samson has
to have steriod pills every day because of the
 * *

 */Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

 I live in an apt house & made arrangements with my superíŸÙs son to
 come in twice a day to feed, water, & clean out the boxes. HeíŸÙs
 been doing this for me since he was 13 & the advantage is that he
 doesníŸÙt have to travel, I know his parents make sure he comes up,
 and if anything is wrong in the apt., his father would be right
 there. He & his parents have my cell phone number & I call every
 few days. He also has the name/phone of a friend who came to check
 in every few days & would handle any medical emergencies.



 -----Original Message-----

*On Behalf Of
 *Barbara Baass
 *Sent:* Monday, May 09, 2005 5:53 PM
 *Subject:* Re: for Barbara (Baass) re unsubscribe

 **Yes, they more than likely saw what they might have to go
 through with the possibility of sickness and decided they didn't
 want to do that. I explained to them that it wasn't active and may
 never be and then it may. I told them you never know what anyone
 is going to die of anyhow.**

 **I guess things happen for a reason. I know Tom gets top quality
 food here and I noticed they had Iams. I for sure wouldn't want
 Tom in a shelter either.**

 **What do you do when you go out of town for a couple days? Do you
 have a sitter come in? I thought I had a lot (5) of them. You
 really have a lot of them.**


 */Terri Brown

 Umm, yes -- I've heard lame excuses like this before. Feline
 Leukemia is not transmittable to humans. That's the most
 ridiculous thing I've ever heard. They probably just didn't
 want to deal with the possibility of sickness.

 Tom is better off with you. I mix mine and the negatives are
 still negative -- all 3 of them. I doníŸÙt vaccinate yearly. If
 they're immune, they're immune (imho).

 Some may argue this point -- I believe in good food and lots
 of love. The rest is details. They have a better life with me
 than they'd have on the street or in a shelter. And they're
 pampered. They know I love them.

 =^..^= Terri, Salome', Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere,
 Sammi, and 5 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth
 and Alec =^..^=

 Furkid Photos!
 My FeLV Site:
 My Personal Page:

 ----- Original Message -----

 *From:* Barbara Baass <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 *Sent:* Monday, May 09, 2005 7:44 AM

 *Subject:* Re: for Barbara (Baass) re unsubscribe

 **Thanks for the information. Guess I will be on for
 awhile longer. They brought Tom back in three & a half
 hours. His wife looked it up on the internet and he said
 that his sister is taking chemo treatments and is not
 suppose to be around a leukemia cat, so he didn't want to
 take the risk.**

 **Have you ever heard of this? I wonder what site she saw
 this on? You could tell that Tom sure was glad to be back.
 I am really disappointed though. It was really a nice home
 and big yard with lots of trees.**

 **Barbara Baass**

 */Belinda Sauro

 Barbara, this is great news about Tom, I hope you can
 check on him occasionally and hear how he is doing.

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