Hi Jen,
Nice crow story! I'm hoping mine turns out as nice. Too bad your Grandmother isn't close by, she'd be getting a crow on her doorstep! As I'm typing this, Junior is flapping his wings and cawing, OMG she is so cute! Com'on Mom and Dad, get over your instincts and come take care of your baby! It's really hard for me to watch. She's back down in the box again. I can't stand anything, especially a baby, being hungry!

Jen Meyer wrote:

When my Mom was a kid, her Dad and brothers used to bring home baby
crows as pets (obviously not encouraged now-a-days)!  They would keep
the baby bird inside until he learned to fly, and then release him into
the outdoors where the crow would usually wake my Grandma up early in
the morning (with loud "caws" outside her bedroom window) to be
fed...and then would hang around as long as the kids were outside!  The
crows would follow my Mom to school and even wait for her until she came
back out again.  One of my favorite stories is when my Mom was
baby...one of their crows used to "guard" her in her stroller!  I even
recall a story about a little girl who wasn't well liked by the other
neighborhood kids (she just wasn't a nice person to be around)...well,
she soon learned that she had to avoid walking down the street in front
of my Grandma's house...if she did, one very confident crow would dive
bomb her head until she got to the other end of the street!  The crows
usually only stuck around for one summer, then would fly south for the

But, man, these birds are such amazingly intelligent little guys!  A few
years ago, one of my uncles brought my Grandma a baby crow who had been
abandoned.  I would go over to her house every now and then to visit
"Bozo" (the birds were either named "Bozo or "Ozob"  :)  )...I had never
been that close to a crow before!  They are absolutely beautiful...you
can really sense their intelligence in their eyes!  My Grandma would go
outside and call him down from the trees and Bozo would either come
right away or caw at her in defiance from above (crows have some serious
attitude!  :)  ).  He'd keep his distance from anyone he didn't know
well, but once he got to know you, he was a real sweetheart!  He loved
having his head scritched just above his neck...You could hand feed him,
and whatever he didn't want, he'd hide in little nooks and crannies
either in the ground or on you!  I was pulling all kinds of treats out
of my pockets after he got finished with me!  All of the neighborhood
kids knew Bozo and it was good to know that he was making sure they got
to school on time!  :)

Both my Grandma and I, of course, realize that we live in a different
world today and to tame crows is not a good idea, despite the fact that
they do fly off to lead their own lives come winter.  But I am so
thankful for the chance to really get to know one of these creatures for
just a short period of time...just witnessing the relationship between
Bozo and my Grandma was nothing short of magical for me!  I can't help
but think I've got a special little connection, now, with every crow I
see...even if he wants nothing to do with hiding treats in my pockets!


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