Hi Sharon-
I think remember your ordeal with Franklin.  Did he actually have lymphoma?  I just don't know what needs to happen to diagnose it... is that what the biopsy would be for?  I can't remember exactly because we were talking about IBS when she mentioned it and I think she was saying that's the only way to diagnose IBS, but now that doesn't make sense to me.  Guess you can say my mind is shot at this point. 
He has pooped about a teaspoon today of the nasty tar stuff, but I guess when he isn't eating there isn't much to come out.  He did go through a very "violent" vomiting episode but it was white foamy stuff and then yellowish.  Which I guess is bile since his tummy is pretty much empty.  But he did keep down the baby food from this morning and so far about an 1/8 of a cup of replacement milk from a couple of hours ago. 
The vet opens at 8 in the morning and we will be there.  I just don't know what to do.  I feel so lost in all this.  I am thinking I will tell them to keep him there for the day and just watch him.  Make him walk and see how wobbly he is.  See how he growls when you hold him or touch him other than right on top of his head.  Maybe they can witness the puke and pooping too.  I say that because after carrying on the way he was, I got him to the vet last Tuesday and he was jumping up and down from the table, weaving in and out of her legs, purring, etc.  She just made the comment that he was so skinny but otherwise wasn't "acting" sick.  Because of his weight and the symptoms I told her about, she did not want to sedate him or anything.  I just want her to SEE him acting like that so I have an actual vet telling me that I need to consider letting  him go.  For the first time in 6 years he is actually SICK and I have a vet who WON'T suggest it?  Heck, nearly every vet we have ever been to has been trying to get me to put him down even though he was fat and healthy!  Are you kidding me with this? I do agree- we need to know what exactly is going on with him if we are going to continue like this.  I will not take him home just to keep force feeding and popping pills down him trying to treat the "it could be's."  The way I see it, we need to sedate him and do the biopsy or run a scope down in his belly or take blood for a more thorough work-up, or all of the above.  But we need a diagnosis.  Then again, if we have treated for and/or ruled out everything BUT cancer, and it IS cancer, what do I do?  Do I put him through chemo?  How expensive is that?  I have heard it isn't as hard on cats as it is on humans.  Is that true?  Do they go in a lot for the treatment or what?  I am just trying to think through it all and make sure I do right by Andy by giving him a fighting chance first, the letting him go if necessary.
Thanks for listening!

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