I would love to, the only problem is, one voice does not amount to a hill of beans. As you can see from this topic not alot of people percieve animals and kids as one in the same.

"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How about changing the laws to agree with that...

At 01:31 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
>In MY mind animals and kids are one and the same and SHOULD be thought of
>EQUALLY, but I know this will never be, it is just how I put certain
>scenerios in perspective.
>"Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>If you put "kids" in place of "animals', well - you wouldn't have
>"breeders" (uh in the way that we do for cats), they wouldn't have a city
>organization devoted to euthanizing (sometimes inhumainely), or they
>wouldn't be running loose on the street clawing thru the garbage - well not
>as much. And people might care more.
>At 12:30 PM 5/24/2005, you wrote:
> >Cherie A Gabbert wrote:Put kids in place of the
> >animals and think about it that way, would you want her not going to jail,
> >but instead working with other kids?
> >
> >Ah...no..you'll get the more emotional response from me if you leave
> >"animals" just where it is...
> >
> >I love kids too, but at least they can speak up in the same language.
> >
> >Trust me....people who delibertly or through ignorance hurt animals &
> >children...well, they are the lowest of the low.
> >
> >I DO believe she should be punished...and it never occured to me that she
> >had done something delibertly to hasten their deaths, but fixing a
> >problem, or trying too does more in the long run than just punishing for
> >the acts... This woman is prob. a "collector" who got in over her
> >head...then who do you go too? Your friends and family think you're
> >nuts...just "get rid of them, they're ONLY animals..." but it would break
> >your heart to do so, no one understands so you'll just do it all
> >yourself..you'll show them....
> >
> >I believe she needs therapy first...then it can be decided HOW to
> >proceed...were the acts intentional...out of frustration....or the
> >by-product of over empathy that turned into a logic & reality breakdown?
> >
> >The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. God help us all.
>Have a purrfect day

Have a purrfect day

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