Well, my vet has given me reduced rate but it is another company altogether who does cremations & there are no discounts!!!  (I’m in NY).  And I agree, I would not take in more cats than I could afford but I don’t think people start out thinking they’ll take more than they can handle.  As for the guy in the parking lot, well, when I raised some questions to the few people who suggested him, I got more than a cold response!


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]


I agree to a point, but my vet and the local vets around here, would take deceased animals and get rid of the bodies for you, with no cost, and I have made some calls and I have not found an animal hospital or vet around me that would not take the animal from you.


As for vet cost, if you can not afford it do not do it.....I have 9 cats now and if I could not afford sick kitties or the vet bills, I would not have taken them.


I have a humane society (I use that lightly) that is completly over run, I have often thought about building a facility to house sick kitties, or last chance cats, the cost of such an endeaver is my only down fall.....big as it may be..... I have gone into the "humane society" with cleaning supplies and offered to clean up the kennels and they were completely appauld me and said it was fine the way it is...let me tell you the stench is something horried.


If there was a way and I am still looking I would definately put my money where my mouth is and help more that my 9......


The guy that would only meet you in a parking lot, needs to be investigated in my opinion that seems a little too fishy.


Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, the article doesn’t really describe the condition of the living cats except that they were in one room.  Certainly it is at the very least odd that someone would just dump the carcasses but then how much would it have cost to have each cremated….  And if she couldn’t afford the cremation, I doubt she could afford the vet bills.  I’ve never understood why the vet schools don’t set up free or low-cost clinics for their students to help with this situation.  It sounds like perhaps this is someone who got in way over their head…  As for mixing ‘sick’ & healthy cats, does FELV diagnosis automatically constitute ‘sick’… 


Believe me, I’m not trying to make excuses for her but when as I look for a home for my Big Boy, I’ve talked to any number of people who are clearly in over their head.  One person, highly recommended by several local rescue groups for taking their FELV cats, refused to tell me where he lived & wanted to meet me in a parking lot to  get Big Boy.  Rescue groups apparently meet him at Petco & give him their FELV kittens.  While he said the reason for not telling me where he was was because people would dump animals made some sense, I was flabergasted that no legitimate rescue group had ever seen his home.   He might be great but who would ever know! 


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cherie A Gabbert
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 11:06 AM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Please read this response!! URGENT:DO NOT USE-KittyKind -CATRESCUE-in Orange, NJ]


That is no excuse...I am appauld that anyone would stand up for this individual, she deserves the same treatment she has giving her supposed "furry friends", If she treats her friends this way I would hate to be her enemy. I am utterly speechless that anyone would stand up for her and her organization, I say the volunteers should open a shelter themselves and Kess should go to jail. KittyKind Ha that is a laugh, like the roach motel they check in and never check out...I am sick over this I would like to meet her in a dark alley.


Sorry...usually I am more gentle that this...I am just so shocked and disgusted.




Have a purrfect day



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