I'm in Georgia, and we have those monsters here too.  I could tell many, many stories. haaaaaa!  My cats will usually get them, but sometimes, unfortunately, it's me that finds one.  It is so awful when they fly.  I have had them get ON me before at our place on the lake. lol.  It's really not funny. I'm scared to death of them. But the giant flying cockroach is definitely a southern thang!  We find it less gross to call them 'palmetto bugs'!

Jen Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
When I moved from Chicago to Houston, I was ill-prepared for the bugs I'd encounter here!  Essentially, this area is home to cockroaches (albeit, *clean* cockroaches...although that doesn't make me feel any better about them) that average in size of about 1 1/2" long (and, they fly...I could've gone the rest of my life knowing that they didn't was enough just to see them move about...when I found out they could fly, I had a small coronary).  My favorite story about my move here:  I was in Target a few days after coming face to face with one *large* cockroach in the bathroom...I was looking at the roach traps when a woman came up to me and asked if I was looking for something for ants because she knew of a good trap.  We struck up a conversation and I told her, no, I was actually looking for something for those huge cockroaches!  Well, the woman's face drops and she looks me straight in the eye and says, "You're not from around here, are you?  You don't get rid of those."  She then proceeded to tell me horror stories (in my mind) of roaches getting into her bed at night as a kid, etc.  She claims that they only come inside in search of water...but, I believe, they sense fear and come inside just to terrorize me.
Anyway, long story short...our cats *are* our roach control!  We have an agreement, I feed them, they take care of any stray cockroaches...and, so far, the pact has worked out...I *rarely* find a live cockroach in the house (as I speak, I've got about a dozen roach carcasses laying about...but no live ones).  In fact, I've got one girl (Lola) who is nicknamed "the destructor" because she shows those roaches no mercy!  :)  If I ever encounter a roach in the bathroom, I just grab Lo and let her have at it!  We've also got a daily ritual...for some reason, roaches have taken up residence in a cabinet out in the night, I'll go out into the garage and several cats will surround me at the cabinet knowing what is next:  I whip open the cabinet doors and as roaches go running, I bang on the outsides of the cabinet forcing them to fall to the floor where a small feline army is waiting!  :)
But, unfortunately, I don't have any advice about alternative roach control for the roaches that you are talking about...I wish there was a way to keep the massive mutant roaches from Hades here in Houston out of the house...but like I said, I don't think the cats would have it any other way!  ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kerry MacKenzie
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2005 1:18 PM
Subject: OT cat-safe roach control

Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas on roach prevention/control that's safe for kitties.
I'm pretty upset--i have a roach phobia. Never saw one all the years I lived in the UK. And I've never seen one in the 9 years I've been in this place. But I had plenty in the last Chicago place i lived in, and I was in a permanent state of anxiety about it.

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