
I don't know how your schedule is. Can you try to take someone and search together around the building of the foster house- basemet, etc.

One week is not a long time but since he was not back, it means that he is getting food and water from somewhere.

Some people leave food in front of their houses for any wild animals they feed. Are there houses around the foster home, just go and talk with people.

Good luck again and don't give up. I wish I had your problem instead the one I have right now with Jersey.



>From: "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service
>Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 14:00:42 -0500
>Thanks, Stan - he's been missing a week.  He's been in the foster
>home since early March.  We've been over there are a few hours every
>day.  Gloria
>>I think he is going to be back at the foster home because he has
>>been an inside cat all his life and he will be afraid to hike
>>around. Cats are territorial and he is not willing to enter other
>>cat's territory. He can be in radius of half a mile around the
>>foster home. That is suggestion N1.
>>It is possible though to get to the lady's house. 6 miles are not
>>so many for cats.
>>Distrinute flyers at around both places. Talk with people.
>>Does he have an tag ID?
>>Even if he has, make sure you put down the phone number clearly.
>>Make sure you put a nice clear photo of Sam.
>>if you see kids playing somewhere talk withthem also. They remember
>>such kind of information and they spend a lot of time playing
>>I am pretty sure he is safe because noone has any benefit of
>>hurting the cat. the point is to find him. don't give up. sometimes
>>cats return to their owners after weeks and months.
>>Good luck and plase be very detailed in the search. Look
>>How long has he been missing?
>>How long has he been iving in the foster home?
>>>From: "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Subject: Re: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service
>>>Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 13:29:53 -0500
>>>Are you saying you think he'll be back at the foster home?  Gloria
>>>>When talking with people just say that he is 17.
>>>>The breed is expensive and some people might want to make money
>>>>selling the cat BUT if he is 17 years old they will know that the
>>>>price will not be high. So, if someone is taking care of him he
>>>>might prefer to get the reward rather than trying to sell it.
>>>>Again, I believe that he is going to be back to the lady's house
>>>>the foster home.
>>>>>From: "Gloria B. Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>Subject: Re: Sam is lost - add to Candlelight Service
>>>>>Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 11:01:52 -0500
>>>>>Thanks to all.  Foster mom is only 21, worked at a Vet clinic,
>>>>>girl.  She was packing to move, I was to pick them up soon.  She
>>>>>didn't think he'd go outside (!), as he was upstairs, and
>>>>>the door open to move boxes out.  Then she didn't tell me for a
>>>>>days, embarrassed.  Yes, I was very upset, told her she should
>>>>>called ASAP!
>>>>>No, the lady doesn't know.  I'm going to tell her son, but we
>>>>>probably won't tell her.  She's 70,  had knee surgery, and
>>>>>a bout it (anesthetic) disoriented her mind somewhat - she moved
>>>>>with a daughter.  Probably doesn't need to know.
>>>>>A very mixed neighborhood - rentals, businesses, homes.  People
>>>>>nice, we've talked to them and passed out flyers.
>>>>>At 10:27 AM 5/30/2005, you wrote:
>>>>>>I'm sending calming thoughts to Sam to find his way back to his
>>>>>>foster mom.  Poor baby, he's been through so much with his
>>>>>>getting sick and then losing his home.  His foster mom must be
>>>>>>upset about him getting out too.  Did he rush the door, or did
>>>>>>think he'd be okay in the yard?  Does the sick older lady know
>>>>>>disappeared, I hope not.
>>>>>>Prayers to Sam.
>>>>>>Gloria B. Lane wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi - Belinda would you add Sam to the Candlelight Service,
>>>>>>>needs list?  Sam is lost.  He belonged to an older lady whose
>>>>>>>family we know.  She became sick and  I found a foster home.
>>>>>>>The foster mom accidently let Sam outside last weekend, and he
>>>>>>>hasn't been seen since.  Susan and I've been going over and
>>>>>>>passing out flyers and looking for him in the neighborhood.
>>>>>>>Sam is a 17 year old Siamese cat, never been outside before
>>  >>>>>I
>>>>>>>know of.  Prayers and good thoughts and vibes are appreciated.
>>>>>>>Thanks -

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