My Tucson had series of Immuno-Regulin twice after lab showed very low wbc—both times she came right back but also she had no other ‘symptoms’ (knock on wood!)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: Michelle L


I was confused by the post because I am also Michelle L.!  But I want to add that Immuno-regulin, in my opinion, seems to help more than feline interferon, which I have also tried. It is hard to tell exactly what either of them does or did for my cats, but it seemed that the two times I used Immuno-regulin, once for pneumonia and once for a bad URI with fever (both times in conjunction with antibiotics and other immune stimulants) it seemed to have pretty immediate effects. I only used feline interferon once, on my cat Ginger before she had dental surgery to try to boost her immune system, and she came down with a terrible URI the day after the surgery anyway.  It is possible the feline interferon helped her immune system by helping her virus not to activate and cause something worse like anemia or lymphoma (which I hope to god are not brewing inside her), so it is not like I am sure it did not do anything.  But I am unsure whether it did anything.  When she was sick with the URI I gave her two doses of Immuno-regulin, and she had temporary bad side effects both times (high fever and chills and diarrhea) but then she perked up so incredibly that it did not seem it could be coincidence.  My cat Patches also recovered well and quickly from pneumonia after getting it. 



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