Oh that is such a sweet story about Bones - so please she has improved - the just cope so remarkably well.
Bramble (FIV+) has now been on Feline Omega Interferon for 2 days and I am learning how to inject tomorrow so that I can just do it at home to save him the stress of the vet visits. I am waiting the results of his FeLV test too so that should be back in a week or so as it needs confirming by Glasgow University (UK) along with his calicivirus and herpesvirus tests.
Minstrel (FeLV+) and Buddy (FIV+) just keep looking at him because he isn't well. I know more about FIV than FeLV as Minstrel is my first FeLV+ cat so I dread the day when she becomes symptomatic. Someone mentioned diluting interferon to keep symptoms at bay - where do you buy it from online and does anyone know if it legal for me to buy it online to bring in to the UK as drug laws are quite strict - my vet wasn't sure if it is legal or not. The vets can't prescribe human interferon in UK as we have feline omega interferon and protocols available but she said she doesn't mind me breaking the rules slightly if I'm doing it myself and just let her know whats happening - she was amazed how cheap it can be bought online when I said some people buy a bottle for $20 - $40. If it is a choice of bending the rules or my furkids suffering through being deprived of treatment then my cats lives win every time. They fight so so hard for us so it's only right we help them win that fight until the time comes when they can no longer win when often need to help them pass over peacefully no matter how painful that time is for us. And I guess we all know that feeling - and my heart goes out to those of you have recently lost your beloved - I'm sure if all our kitties past and present would be so praising and thankful that they had us - because everyone here and in the other group I'm with for FIV are the most caring responsible owners possible - everyone is doing their best to do what is right for their kitties and giving so much love and care - no-one can ask more than that.
I argued with my boyfriend many times over my kittie who passed over in March this year - he used to say that cats only ever want food and don't need and love and affection - just food. I used to go mental - and he never got many cuddles in bed as my cat stayed sleeping on my chest getting all the attention she needed instead. I'm still with him but I moved out and moved home to my parents with Bramble, Buddy & Minstrel. Thank goodness there are some of us who know how much love and care cats do actually need and especially cats with compromised immune systems or who are sick.
My message is getting a little long so I'm going to stop writing now - prayers going out to protect all our cats and to protect the souls of our dear departed.
Michelle L

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